Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] [is] [adv] doing " in BNC.

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1 And there 's not a lot of co-ordination between what she 's currently doing and what the children did last year , or what they will do with another teacher next .
2 So if y if you 're manoeuvring round him and he suddenly changes his mind we 're compounding what he is actually doing , by getting assuming that he 's gon na do the right thing .
3 provide something on doing erm etc. , and we call it we call it but what it is actually doing , it has halved the traffic , that 's what its about , giving us the back pedestrian , back but the traffic still come through .
4 Not because it 's feeding everyone , if you look closely , what it 's probably doing is checking how much food is in their gullets .
5 But what it 's actually doing is prompting management to think .
6 It 's very easy then of course to punish the person er who communicates that with you er which ultimately can can er totally divorce an organisation from the reality of what it 's actually doing so that kind of philosophy , very destructive in terms of er effective communication .
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