Example sentences of "[be] prepared [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 7 Be prepared to act as the diplomat within your Company .
2 Charles was acting quite legally in initiating the quo warranto proceedings against borough charters , and his primary aim appears not so much to achieve royal control over the borough electorate — boroughs which did not return MPs were also subject to attack — but rather to drive Nonconformists and their sympathisers out of the local magistracy and to secure the empanelment of juries who would be prepared to act against the Dissenters .
3 They had to be prepared to perform in the strangest conditions .
4 Should you say , ‘ Unless you stop quarrelling with your sister I wo n't be able to finish my work and there wo n't be time for a story ’ , you must be prepared to see through the planned , but logical , consequences .
5 Now I 'm not gon na be prepared to go through the whole business and then find them say oh sorry you 're wrong .
6 The audience are coming to these shows knowing fully that they should be prepared to deal with the present and the future .
7 To reach such a target audience we probably need , at the minimum , ( a ) about two pages of description by the authors of each unit , telling the user how to load the program , how to drive it , and its limitations both educationally and technically this information could be included on the disc or tape that loads the program ( b ) some incentive to the programmer to document the program to this level , perhaps through its resulting acceptance into a ‘ library ’ ( c ) assurance from those receiving the program that they will be prepared to deal with the problems that such draft programs impose — this implies that they must be fairly competent users of their computer system : they could not expect to get software support from the author , who is likely to be another teacher whose time is fully occupied ( d ) some financial and organizational support for the distribution of programs , even if only on a cooperative basis ( e ) that users of such programs should undertake to report to the authors ( and to the library ? ) on the usefulness of each program received , and if they wish , to make recommendations for improvement .
8 I should also be prepared to include in the appropriate sections , committees which , though not Cabinet Committees , in fact perform closely similar functions .
9 Meanwhile , Sir Richard Williams has pledged that the Baron Hill estate would be prepared to talk to the council about any schemes to improve the Castle car park , bowling green and allotments , which are owned by the estate .
10 You also need to be prepared to listen to the other person in return and allow them to tell you things .
11 A legal system is not a monolith , but is made up of a variety of legal ‘ arenas ’ in which many different ‘ legal languages ’ are spoken , and while some of these arenas may well be prepared to listen to the presentation of a problem in one jurisprudential language , others might reject it completely ( Ladeur , 1984 ; Sciolla , 1983 ; Dunsire , 1978 ) .
12 However there is still a need for caution ; undertakings can not rely on the Commission adopting a rule of reason approach in every case and would therefore need to be prepared to appeal to the Court .
13 Sometimes , a client will be prepared to proceed with the purchase on the basis of bridging finance .
14 Third , clients may need to be prepared to wait until the start of the next course , which might not be for up to two months .
15 Oh and yes … a chap from Conservative Central Office rang up to say they 'd like to know if you would be prepared to stand for the European Parliament .
16 You must be prepared to stand on the practice green for ages .
17 You have to be prepared to stand on the putting green for ages , which I do n't like doing , but I 'm having to do it because on Tour all the best players average less than 30 putts per round . ’
18 Also if a civil servant fails to answer to a committee 's satisfaction , the government accept that the appropriate minister should be prepared to come before the committee .
19 The key to this concession analysis is to value concessions the seller might be prepared to make through the eyes of the buyer .
20 Such bodies are set up outside government partly so that they can attract skilled personnel who might not be prepared to work for the core of government ; so that they can develop a high level of expertise in the area they are responsible for ; and so that they can develop policy in an atmosphere divorced from direct party political pressures .
21 If this is a relevant factor , one point that you may be prepared to discuss during the consultation process is the possibility of taking a pay cut , either on a temporary or permanent basis .
22 The first suggestion implies that context pre-exposure should make subsequently acquired latent inhibition less likely to be context-specific — subjects need to be prepared to learn about the context if context-specificity is to occur .
23 We must be prepared to learn from the experience , however .
24 All language is morally loaded ( one campaigner 's unborn child is another 's clump of cells ) but those who would trick the public by the term pre-embryo should be prepared to concentrate on the moral status of the early embryo , not on dreaming up a new vocabulary .
25 If you want to use aromatherapy oils when caring for an elderly relative , be prepared to pay for the best .
26 How much would you be prepared to pay for the two of you to go to Pwllheli by bus and train ?
27 The most common occasion when the agreement is drafted by the seller 's solicitors is when the seller is offering a company on a tender basis under which information about the company , together with a draft contract , is sent out to those who express interest and they are required by a specified date to indicate the price they would be prepared to pay for the company and , often , the changes that they would request to the contract .
28 WWR would probably pass to another country for chairmanship but it is a move which I suspect British WW racers would be prepared to accept for the benefit of WWR as a whole .
29 So everyone is unhappy and , what is worse still , the children are being brought up to believe that the old should always be given second best and be prepared to shrink into the smallest ‘ shell ’ that is offered to them .
30 On the other hand , traders buying sterling with dollars will be prepared to trade in the forward market at a rate that is also less attractive to them when compared with the expected future spot rate ( in this case f t will be less than ) .
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