Example sentences of "[be] able [to-vb] on [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By holding on to that possession , the people of this country would be able to hold on to the banners of freedom .
2 ‘ He tells me I wo n't be able to go on like this , but he knows how important it is to my life , ’ Edwards reasoned .
3 She just did n't seem to be able to hang on to men , he thought impatiently , not like his Angie , wherever she was .
4 If the receiver succeeds in his plans to sell the company as a going concern then most of them might be able to hang on to their positions .
5 In a sense Mao is , is adopting very much the position that he seems to have taken erm in nineteen forty five when he 's , he 's looking forward to land return but saying at the moment our policy of rent reduction , interest rate reduction will continue and at some stage we will then be able to move on into , to that reform .
6 Once you have become accustomed to selecting the needles , sliding the lace carriage and moving the main carriage in the correct order , you will be able to move on to rather more elaborate lace patterns .
7 Novices who learn quickly will find this a most satisfying resort ; by the second week they 'll be able to move on to intermediate classes .
8 If non-farming activities reach the VAT registration threshold , farmers will be required to register for all their activities , farming and non-farming , and will not be able to carry on as flat rate farmers .
9 Erm , I think I will give up being Chair this time , I 've done it too long , too long , and I 've had it John as Co-Chair during the year and I hope that he 'll be able to carry on as , as Chair Person , I think really I 've done it , done it for long enough erm , and we 'll have to ask , we hope , we hope the Treasurer just taken over will carry on
10 ‘ Hopefully I 'll be able to carry on as an amateur and help mum in the shop . ’
11 Still , I suppose you would have to develop a certain detachment , otherwise you 'd never be able to carry on with what you 're working on at the moment . ’
12 Yes , I c I was fortunate to be able to carry on at the same place .
13 Rule-following as a practice must therefore be able to carry on without anything to support it , and we must attempt to wean ourselves away from the feeling of vertigo which is engendered by our recognition of the lack of support .
14 The Minister warned : ‘ He may be able to carry on in the job but he can not do so effectively .
15 So even now if you wake me at three o'clock in the morning and sing me one bar of Der Rosenkavalier I will be able to carry on from where you start !
16 Otherwise you would n't be able to carry on behind the Führer 's back .
17 So you wo n't be able to log on to Microfit ?
18 ‘ You 're forgetting about my interest in a bush walk , ’ she pointed out , thankful to be able to latch on to some aspect of the place .
19 So it looks as if cameramen ( rather than the proposed cameramans ) will be able to get on with their work in the Gulf ; the beloved accent on abîme will not fall into the abyss ; and the whole affair will have been a non-événement .
20 It can he useful to recap on the action you want taken after putting on pressure : ‘ If I call talk about it today , then I 'll be able to get on with the project — if I ca n't , the project is going to have to he delayed .
21 ( a ) ‘ If I can talk about it today , then I 'll be able to get on with the project — if I ca n't , the project is going to have to be delayed .
22 She will be able to get on with her independent life knowing at last that everyone is aware of the truth .
23 Above all , account people must be able to get on with everyone — colleagues as much as clients .
24 We realized that each of us would be a big story for a few days , but that would pass and then we 'd be able to get on with the real work of getting to know our families and friends again .
25 Soon it would be completely behind her , and she would be able to get on with living again , untroubled by the cataclysms of her emotions .
26 If there was trouble he 'd have to spend the rest of the day putting it down and would n't be able to get on with the arms search at all .
27 And if that 's gon na happen then how are women gon na be able to get on into higher education
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