Example sentences of "[be] thought that this was " in BNC.

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1 It might be thought that this was a natural consequence of the popularity of great artists , but in fact the economics of publishing result in some bizarre decisions about art books .
2 It may be thought that this was a remarkably small price to pay for the opening up of our democratic processes to the public .
3 It used to be thought that this was temporary diabetes resulting from the stress of infarction , but present data suggest that these patients have undiagnosed diabetes before infarction ( Husband et al , 1983 ; Oswald et al , 1984 ) .
4 It might be thought that this was an essential part of the cuckoo 's deception — that by leaving the same number of eggs in the nest , the cuckoo might fool the host bird into thinking that nothing had happened .
5 It might be thought that this was essentially a matter for the internal law of State A , the forum State .
6 However , I would net wish it to be thought that this was necessarily a unique example .
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