Example sentences of "[be] thought [prep] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She knows that even something that seems so simple as giving a wash has to be thought about and done in a sensitive way .
2 All these points should be thought about and considered in relation to the space you have to play with ( a square room , rectangular room , cramped galley , and so on ) as well as any existing appliances , and should certainly give you a clearer idea of the sort of room that will answer your needs .
3 An occam process can be thought of as acting in steps : a step is either a single communication or the act of successful termination .
4 Each subtractive primary can be thought of as taking away a component from white ; thus yellow is , ‘ minus blue ’ and magenta is ‘ minus green ’ so a mixture of yellow and magenta inks will produce white minus blue minus green — in other words , red .
5 Value for money can be thought of as consisting of three elements : economy , efficiency and effectiveness .
6 Any body can be thought of as consisting of lots of small masses m , and the angular momentum of such a body around a point P is obtained by combining the products mrs according to certain rules which I shall not describe .
7 The circulation pattern can be thought of as made up of several contributions .
8 Brightness masking can be thought of as operating primarily at the feature detector level in Figure 11 ; by reducing the discriminability of target features , it makes feature detection difficult ( or impossible , if the mask is bright enough ) .
9 The purpose of this thought experiment is to draw attention to the fact that a number of pragmatic phenomena can be explicated by reference to just these sorts of features : for example , as we shall see , deixis can be thought of as based on the assumption of mutual orientation , presupposition on the assumption of shared knowledge of a domain and its updating , speech acts on the making explicit , for other participants , of one 's interactional goals , conversational implicature on the assumption of interactional co-operation , and so on .
10 This can be thought of as entering the three main two-dimensional views ( front , side and plan ) into the space to lie either on the axis or on the surface of the local space brick ( see Figure 3.6 ) .
11 In so far as a timetable can be thought of as functioning like a rule it can be thought of as an instrument of order .
12 Electromagnetic energy can be thought of as moving in a wave-like pattern at the speed of light .
13 The multiple choice format can , in this case , be thought of as demanding a similar sort of thinking to that required when checking an answer obtained by measurement or calculation to see if it is sensible .
14 The Exodus narrative , identifying the God of Israel as the worker of wonders such as those which led Pharoah to release the Israelites from Egypt , could easily be thought of as referring to one god among many .
15 While to some extent the harmful and the helpful beings in the Chewong universe can be thought of as opposed , they do not fall into neatly discernible complementary categories .
16 The problem can be thought of as maximizing consumer surplus ( here total surplus minus resource costs ) arising from the set of products , subject to the breakeven constraint , i.e. choose y 1 to y n to maximize : subject to unc where R(Y) is the revenue accruing from sales of all the products and x is a variable of integration .
17 the gay male parody of a certain femininity , which , as others have argued , may itself be an elaborate social construct , is both a way of giving vent to the hostility toward women that probably afflicts every male ( and which male heterosexuals have of course expressed in infinitely nastier and more effective ways ) and could paradoxically be thought of as helping to deconstruct that image for women themselves …
18 It could be offensive to some , it has been suggested , to be thought of as living in or visiting such a place .
19 All these particle facts can be put together in the following way : A state ( the photon polarised along x " ) can be thought of as composed of a combination ( the technical term is a superposition ) of other states ( the photon polarised along y , which is transmitted , and the photon polarised along x , which is not transmitted ) .
20 Cells in different parts of the embryo can be thought of as developing along quite different pathways , diverging more and more in character .
21 I have not touched on the difficult question of localization here : it is a lively issue where the brain is concerned , but not for the digital computer because , depending on how you interpret its operations , information can be thought of as being anywhere at all in the machine ( i.e. not localized in the sense of being associated with a particular place in it ) , or ( and in some sense conversely ) all operations of the machine can be thought of as going on in one very small and specific place .
22 The presence of a handshake could be thought of as excluding all possible alternatives , that is it excludes kissing , nodding , spitting , etc .
23 Since let signifies here not intervening in some event which is already under way , it is obvious that the letting must be thought of as coinciding in time with the actualization of the other event .
24 Similarly , the suppressed sadist who exercises the inclination by verbal humiliation might be thought of as needing to dominate , while the one who by word and action emotionally breaks down the victim as a person might be destructive .
25 for example , can hazards really be thought of as having any intentionality ?
26 This kind of group can be thought of as having only a minor role within counselling .
27 Such planets can not really be thought of as having a surface , in the sense that the Earth has ; rather , we should regard them as being ‘ all atmosphere ’ .
28 This is , of course , a simplified picture of a sense-spectrum : it should be thought of as having , at least potentially , many dimensions , and as continually growing , amoeba-like .
29 This maintenance of a working class Tory vote sufficient to return the party to office can be thought of as having two components : first the reproduction of relatively stable social collectivities having a principle of identification outside the conception of ‘ class ’ which prompted most ‘ working class ’ people to vote Labour , and second a more conjunctural conversion of voters .
30 Mr Murray continued , ‘ If the AEA is to be thought of as having a united corporate image then it has to behave as such : for example we have countless and diverse literature/publications produced ( independently ) by the Businesses , thereby leaving our customers confused .
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