Example sentences of "[be] appropriate for this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , erm , I had in mind that , is there a seconder to that ? my own view is that erm , and that goes for most of the way for dealing with the problem , but I think it would be appropriate for this committee to make it clear that erm , any extension of the maximum aggregate for the current financial year will be met by an appropriate reduction or a corresponding reduction in the expenditure for ninety four ninety five , erm and I 'm not certain that that 's absolutely clear to the public or indeed to all members of
2 The Chief Executive wrote on 1 September 1988 to colleges offering courses which would be appropriate for this type of development and a number have expressed interest .
3 Second , it would be appropriate for this institution to emphasize economic analysis of market dominance and conduct , rather than conformity to legal definitions of anticompetitive market situations and/or conduct .
4 A ‘ liveable ’ street must not have fast or heavy traffic , or else it will be abandoned to transport , even though its design may not be appropriate for this use .
5 However , as I have already remarked , I do not consider that it would be appropriate for this House to make new law in this instance .
6 Would it not be appropriate for this situation to be remedied by putting Charles Darwin on a new £100 note to emphasise to the world , in these uncertain times , our tradition of change by evolution and not revolution ?
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