Example sentences of "[be] [verb] to some degree " in BNC.

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1 The language of the original , or oddities of spelling or punctuation , can be amended to some degree — an important consideration when using such material with primary school pupils or pupils with learning difficulties .
2 Most can be developed to some degree , but could be restricted on size , headroom and shape .
3 New material , both archival and interpretative , requires these judgements to be modified to some degree .
4 Cos these 'll have to be clarified to some degree .
5 The helium may also be separated to some degree .
6 Governments have to govern people , and not only do their policies have a direct impact on the population at large , and are likely to be shaped to some degree by an awareness of what that impact might be , but policies can also be a response to pressures or problems that emerge out of society .
7 Our clinical findings suggest that the neuronal disorder may be compensated to some degree because the intestines are richly innervated .
8 There 'd be so many other people around that she 'd be cushioned to some degree from the effect of his presence , she had reasoned .
9 All the people involved in those family relationships will be affected to some degree or another depending on how strong ( positively or negatively ) the emotional tie was .
10 ( ii ) The professional judgement of the assessors may be focused to some degree by the employment of criteria .
11 The government 's policies — especially in the areas of religion and foreign policy — impinged directly on the lives of a significant proportion of the population , with the result that people could not help but be politicised to some degree .
12 The origin of quartz grains can be determined to some degree , and mixing of quartz grains , feldspars and heavy minerals from different sources more easily detected , e.g. Stow & miller ( 1984 ) , Richter & zinkernagel ( 1975 ) .
13 Parents should be held to some degree , not necessarily to a tune of a thousand pound , but they should be made in some way , to be responsible for their
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