Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] at risk [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At least 60,000 people , many of them indigenous Indians , would then be placed at risk from contaminated drinking water .
2 Indeed , the coal industry as a whole would be put at risk through premature shutdown of the opencast sector .
3 An extrajudicial offer , even if backed up with assertions that it will not be improved upon , does not carry the same penalty in expenses and the pursuer and his advisers , confident of success , will not be put at risk on expenses by such an offer .
4 Mr Wallis said there was ‘ no way we want to see miners out of jobs ’ but PowerGen 's own survival would not be put at risk by limiting its range of suppliers .
5 There has to be the possibility that the politics can be put at risk by the aesthetics , or the relationship as well as each of its components will be inert .
6 Mr Fowler said there was no reason why businesses and jobs should be put at risk by workers called upon to strike when they had no dispute with their employer .
7 I am advised that local authorities seeking simply to provide the public with access to a comprehensive range of artistic and literary materials will not be put at risk by this provision .
8 As any good control theorist ( Box 1981a ; Hirschi 1969 ; Johnson 1979 ) knows , even if people have a high stake in conformity , this will not act as a brake on their criminal behaviour if they perceive — quite rightly in the case of executives contemplating corporate crime — that this stake will not be put at risk by undertaking such a shady but profitable enterprise .
9 As the RSFSR can not be put at risk by being surrounded by non-obedient or independent and sovereign republics in Ukraine , Belorussia , Lithuania , Armenia , etc. , so the security of the USSR as a national state can not be put at risk by non-obedient and sovereign countries in east central Europe ( and possibly elsewhere ) .
10 As the RSFSR can not be put at risk by being surrounded by non-obedient or independent and sovereign republics in Ukraine , Belorussia , Lithuania , Armenia , etc. , so the security of the USSR as a national state can not be put at risk by non-obedient and sovereign countries in east central Europe ( and possibly elsewhere ) .
11 We must recognise that many people who earn relatively modest wages and who are essential to the rural economy will be the first to be put at risk by those proposals .
12 My view is that the community could be put at risk by some of these prisoners .
13 Suggesting that the long-term viability of BC and its privatisation potential could be put at risk by curbs on open-cast operations , Mr Chance added : ‘ Mining communities can not be saved at the expense of the open-cast industry .
14 The very landscape that creates the market for tourism and/or recreation may itself be put at risk in the absence of careful management .
15 Doctors say people 's health could be put at risk from car pollution if a new road is built .
16 ‘ People ca n't be put at risk like this .
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