Example sentences of "[be] [art] source of the " in BNC.

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1 He had been recruited by Alfred Sherman specifically to provide a counterblast to the Treasury advisers , because Whitehall was deemed to be the source of the advice which had let the country down in the past .
2 In particular , Siegel ( 1967 ) found that a close examination of his results led to the conclusion ( see also Riley 1968 ) that it was unwarranted to assume that responses learned in the first stage could not be the source of the transfer seen in the second .
3 I mean , would this be the source of the many prophecies that some evil would befall the King ? ’
4 Danzig was a party to the Treaty of Paris of 1920 but not to the Treaty of Versailles , which was held to be the source of the rights conferred upon Poland and the organic limitations on Danzig .
5 He tried fitfully to proceed with a short prose book on the nature of culture which he had been contemplating for some time , but by the end of 1942 had produced only a first draft of two chapters : this must be the source of the four essays which appeared in the New English Weekly during January and February 1943 under the title , " Notes toward a Definition of Culture " .
6 So , if hearing people are told that deaf people are ‘ disabled ’ or ‘ sick ’ — a layperson 's view which is widespread in the system surrounding the deaf individual — they can never begin to understand how they themselves may be disabling deaf people or can be the source of the infection .
7 This seems to be the source of the torus in the lower inset in Figure 9.2 ( not to scale ) .
8 So let's have a look down her throat , and that 's likely to be the source of the problem .
9 ‘ But they would be the source of the poison .
10 However , blue supergiants are too cold to be the source of the X-rays .
11 could be the source of the leaked recordings …
12 A broken toy lay between them which seemed to be the source of the trouble ; it was Lucy 's best doll , she noted , before striding into the room , anger swiftly replaced her fright .
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