Example sentences of "[that] they seemed to be " in BNC.

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1 Many were so hard that they seemed to be made of solid wood while others shattered like eggshells , but were virtually empty .
2 Three rows of tiny figures circled a Navaho basket , holding hands forever in the weave ; black squares for heads , so that they seemed to be facing inward to preserve the sanctity of the dance .
3 Grey stone walls rose about them , and winged roofs surfaced with rose-red tiles caught the sun so that they seemed to be on fire .
4 Then , exasperated by her own confusion , and the fact that they seemed to be going round in circles , Ellie demanded , ‘ Feargal , just tell me what it is you want to know — what , in fact , we 're supposed to be talking about ! ’
5 ‘ Sixteen coffees , ’ she announced in the cool voice that they seemed to be using to each other , ‘ followed by — er — ’ Consulting her list , she continued , ‘ Six rounds of toast , five boiled eggs with soldiers … ’
6 Ellie could n't actually hear what they were saying , only that they seemed to be arguing .
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