Example sentences of "[that] he [be] responsible for " in BNC.

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1 Beccaria starts by looking at the justification of the right to punish ; he concludes that it is to be found in the social contract whose central tenet he declares to be ‘ the greatest happiness of the greatest number ’ ( it is possible that he is responsible for originating this particular cliché ) .
2 LORD ALDINGTON denied in the High Court yesterday that he was responsible for seeking permission from higher command to use force to repatriate unwilling Cossacks from Austria only days after General Dwight Eisenhower , Supreme Allied Commander , offered to arrange their peaceful evacuation in May 1945 .
3 Lord Aldington — formerly Brigadier Toby Low — who is suing for libel damages over allegations that he is guilty of war crimes , denied a suggestion by Richard Rampton QC , for the defence , that he was responsible for drafting the 23 May request .
4 In the meantime , I think David had come to realize that he was responsible for an enormous amount of business at RCA in the United Kingdom — something like 4% of their total gross was David Bowie products — and he was making an enormous amount of money but he did n't have anything .
5 It made things worse for Charles that he was responsible for his men 's transfer with him to this wilderness .
6 The principal charges against Latimer were that he had made improper profits out of the campaign in Brittany and that he was responsible for the loss of Bécherel and Saint-Sauveur .
7 It was said , even within the confines of the Politburo itself , that he was responsible for sending more people to their deaths in the Siberian concentration camps than any other KGB officer in living memory .
8 Or did he go to his death in the anguished conviction that he was responsible for his master 's ?
9 Only Irina knew that he was responsible for the collapse of Moscow Centre 's operation at the clinic .
10 Nevertheless , though Penda may have embarked on a programme of domination of the south-west midlands , there is no evidence that he was responsible for the formation of the Hwiccian kingdom .
11 He did n't add that he was responsible for much of the terrorist acts , and that he would ensure they continued .
12 He was a senior , dedicated member , and it did n't at first appear that he had committed any atrocities , but we later found out that he was responsible for denouncing people who had anti-Fascist sympathies , and that it was because of him that we had been taken to Tabiano .
13 It is possible that he contributed to early issues of the newsbook , but there is no evidence that he was responsible for editing it , and nothing in his future career or conduct to link him directly with the Levellers .
14 The surviving building accounts and his own drawings make clear that he was responsible for the execution and design of this remarkable house between 1580 and 1588 .
15 ‘ She was very frightened of her cruel husband , but she suspected that he was responsible for Sir Charles ’ death .
16 She seemed to have decided that he was responsible for all this .
17 He said that during the first interview Hepburn had denied any involvement , but when seen again 40 minutes later ‘ frankly said that he was responsible for the assaults on both girls ’ .
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