Example sentences of "[that] i [vb mod] [verb] myself " in BNC.

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1 His face is n't cruel , and I 'm relieved to find no attitude there that I might find myself kicking against .
2 The possibility that I might starve myself to death was never raised : instead I was scolded for looking like a scarecrow , and my mother told me that she was ashamed to be seen with me .
3 In other words , my guard was now so strong that I would wake myself up rather than allow myself to eat , even in a dream .
4 ’ I stress , of course , ’ I concluded , ’ that I would consider myself personally responsible for this man 's reputation . ’
5 I think he just wants to keep putting it off ; he might be frightened of me gaining too much independence , or he might simply be scared that I 'll kill myself the way a lot of youths seem to when they get a bike .
6 ‘ But you were right when you insisted that I must give myself the opportunity to learn my true feelings , although … ’
7 All of these meetings required careful preparation and I was relieved when my election team agreed with my general tactics , although they added that I must make myself available for private talks with any colleague who asked to see me .
8 Perhaps I knew already what the answer would be — that I must cut myself free from him .
9 And Dr Neil , staring at her wine glass as though it were a bomb , said , ‘ Trust me McAllister ; alcohol will do you nothing but good after your adventures tonight — you will sleep well , and I have already given you my word that I will behave myself . ’
10 I tell myself that I will let myself lie in bed for another five minutes though I stipulate that I am not allowed to go back to sleep and that I have to count out the five-minutes in my head .
11 It no longer seems as obvious as it used to that I can detach myself from my interactions with other things , observe them objectively , and arrive at facts about them wholly independent of my own reactions and decisions .
12 People say that I can handle myself , but they have no idea what some of us went through .
13 I feel now that I can express myself better than I ever could in the last fifteen years ; I 've even gotten into the Mississippi Delta style , fingerpicking blues .
14 ‘ But those do n't apply to us as they imply a sharing that 's total , and there 's only one area of my life that I can bring myself to share with you . ’
15 It 's just that I can see myself listening to the Brahms Quartets rather more often .
16 She was the first athlete that I could identify myself with ; she was always in the news .
17 I 'm the proud owner of a Series III SWB Petrol Land Rover , but I wonder if you could give some advice on a really effective alarm system that I could fit myself , also I did n't want to fit the hasp and staple type of bonnet lock , but the type that I have seen fitted to some County and Ninety models , is that possible .
18 Erm and really the only way I thought that I could prevent myself from doing anything like that was to kill myself in a very violent way because I
19 ‘ If you just ring them up you can not understand the problems they face so I thought this would be a good way that I could use myself as a focus on their work . ’
20 Since I hated the police , it was natural that I should feel myself aligned with the prostitutes .
21 And although for my own part it would be my ruin , yet so great is my veneration for you , so entire my reliance on providence upon so just an occasion that I should think myself but too happy if I might be accepted .
22 To know that I , as a person , am thoroughly good , intelligent and desirable , and that being so it is only logical that I should love myself passionately and unconditionally is quite a leap .
23 And [ wa ] others felt a similar shock at my intention to talk about political jokes relating to contemporary leaders of the modern Arab World and suggested that I should confine myself to the days of the Prophet and the early imams .
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