Example sentences of "[that] the police [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 He explained briefly what had happened and added , untruthfully , that the Police had been friendly , helpful , and understanding .
2 The assumption was that the police had been given enough information to pick up the terrorists quickly .
3 He reminded the House that the police had been given forty-eight hours notification of the proposed route : ‘ Honourable members on this side of the House who in this respect are charging him [ Paisley ] with gross civic and social irresponsibility must also charge the police with exactly the same thing . ’
4 When he told Modi that the police had been to question him because his neighbour had hidden stolen goods in the wardrobe in Ehrenburg 's room , Modigliani merely smiled .
5 The judge found that the police had been engaged in a trick or deceit , had not acted as agents provocateurs or incited crime , had provided no market which would not have been available elsewhere , and had had grounds to suspect that each appellant had committed an offence by the time when the first sale by him was transacted , but that he had not been cautioned .
6 It observed the following week that the police had been very co-operative .
7 It was Lou — frantic , almost incoherent , reporting that Rick had vanished along with his passport , that the police had been to see her and had asked hundreds of questions .
8 Indeed , during a summer of rioting by juvenile delinquents in England recently in the course of which whole urban areas were terrorized , looted and in some cases burnt to the ground , it was seriously suggested that the police had been to blame merely by being there to enforce the law .
9 Det Insp Anthony Caddy told the inquest that the police had been unable to find any independent witnesses who had seen any act of cruelty on Kim by her parents .
10 Mr De Klerk 's announcement was accompanied by a statement from his Justice Minister that prosecutions would immediately be launched — against the two men responsible for disclosing the fact that the police have been carrying out officially sanctioned murders .
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