Example sentences of "[that] she 'd [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When Alison stepped back into the bedroom the slight drop in temperature immediately sought out the damp patches on her back and shoulders that she 'd missed with the towel .
2 Betty Hawkes took her to the local hop that evening , where they danced to the strict tempo of Victor Sylvester records : a very different world to the music of Miller and Goodman and Basie that she 'd jived to in the States .
3 I learned only recently that she 'd lived near here . ’
4 She was still wearing the thin cotton dress that she 'd worn in the prison hospital , but now there was a shawl around her shoulders as well .
5 His smile was open and friendly , and suddenly it seemed preposterous to be standing here , on a Roman street corner , arguing with a man who had taken her from an existence that she 'd hated to one that was all she 'd ever dreamed of .
6 Mrs Wright put it in the vase that she 'd filled with fresh water .
7 I was looking then only at an empty stretch of spaceport beyond the comm-booth that she 'd called from .
8 Without actually giving her the details — and still keeping back the crucial fact of Christine 's death , which would have changed the tone of their conversations completely — Lucy had been able to give Josie some idea of her home situation and of the problems that she 'd caused with actions that she 'd felt to be right .
9 She stood staring after his lithe figure , gripped by the same sense of anguish and loss that she 'd felt in the Piazzale Roma .
10 ‘ The last thing I heard was that she 'd gone to America and married some newspaper magnate twice her age .
11 Diane Rohmer had been an unspectacular student , chugging through the system along a safe , marked trail , and it was n't surprising that she 'd gone into research .
12 He could n't help thinking of something that she 'd said in all seriousness when they 'd left the apartment building behind and a lack of any interest from a passing night patrol on the motorway had told him that no , the police did n't seem to be keeping an active watch for his car ; she 'd looked at him and she 'd said , Promise me , Peter .
13 She 'd go shopping , now that she had some money , or go to see places that she 'd heard of .
14 Two of these featured stars that she 'd heard of , the others had an inescapable bit-playerish look about them .
15 It was ten days ago that she 'd heard from Le Touquet , and that series of games must be over by now , she knew .
16 It was bad enough that she 'd fallen in love with the cold , glacial man she already knew him to be — if she were to suddenly discover a tender , humane element to his character , heaven help her .
17 India-May had that glazed look , as if she was describing a miracle , a miracle that she 'd witnessed with her own eyes .
18 It was because of her worsening rheumatism that she 'd asked for Ruth to come and help her this summer .
19 Without actually giving her the details — and still keeping back the crucial fact of Christine 's death , which would have changed the tone of their conversations completely — Lucy had been able to give Josie some idea of her home situation and of the problems that she 'd caused with actions that she 'd felt to be right .
20 And if Mrs Williams — and how very grateful Morse was that she 'd agreed to his earlier telephone request to be present ! — if Mrs Williams could possibly think of some diversion … some talk , some walk .
21 ‘ The first time she went out in it she came back into the house giggling that she 'd driven through town with the top down , even though it was freezing .
22 Earlier she had , despite Newman 's warning , made a brief call to INCUBUS headquarters , leaving a message for her boss that she 'd left for England .
23 I think it was a car that she 'd had for was well looked after her dad used to see to it for her but it was she 'd had it for some years and she was always poodling about in you see .
24 ‘ I 'm all stiff and sore , ’ Lucy said , and then pulled down the shoulder of the oversized Blues Brothers T-shirt that she 'd bought for sleeping in .
25 Sandra , but she preferred Sandy , told us that she 'd worked at the Exhilarator for five months but was just biding her time before she could move away from her mother and get her own place in London .
26 Geoff Tulloch got hold of the idea that she 'd worked for some corporation in Detroit for a year .
27 I began to dislike her ; she looked sly and I felt indignant that she 'd spoken to me like that .
28 It was the blue-eyed blonde , the one that she 'd spoken to earlier .
29 The next time that she 'd spoken to her father , she 'd suggested a meeting in the certain knowledge that it would be Joe who would turn up ; and he had .
30 Not that she 'd expected to .
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