Example sentences of "[that] [subord] [pron] told [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I thought that if I told him what had really happened he might not let me go again and I wanted to see Charlie Chaplin and the Keystone Cops ones that were coming soon .
2 She had kept silent because ‘ my understanding was that if I told anyone I would die .
3 He warned me that if I told anyone about it , he would just deny it outright .
4 My mother used to say that if anyone told her she was looking tired , she knew it meant that she was not looking very attractive either .
5 She had the terrible feeling that if she told her too much , gave her an excuse to poke and pry , somehow , all the safe fabric of their lives would be rent apart .
6 ‘ The fact that Simon worshipped the ground you walked on means you must have been one hundred per cent certain that when you told him he 'd insist on marrying you — which he did — so what difference did that one day make to you ? ’
7 I suggest that when you told my client he might get hurt you were in fact threatening him .
8 ‘ It was rather touching that when I told him who the other members of the cast were — Ian Richardson , Zena Walker and Freddie Jones — he said : ‘ Do they know who it is who 's playing the character ? ’
9 ‘ She was so hell-bent on them that when I told her I could n't get them anywhere she said ‘ Well , we 'd better make them . ’
10 Moistening dry lips , she began , ‘ You 'll remember that when I told you I intended leaving you said I might go immediately ?
11 I do n't know why ’ Constanza told me that when she told me so little else .
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