Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] can be put " in BNC.

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1 This is the stage , sadly , when many people are ready to believe that they can be put in touch with the relative or friend who has died , and consult faith healers who make all sorts of promises .
2 Having tried out these various methods you might consider them too time-consuming to use for large areas but they are so attractive that they can be put to good use as trimmings .
3 I 'm hoping that this might lead to an improvement but I still please ask you all to keep me in touch with where things are going wrong so that they can be put right .
4 If you think something you 've noticed is important , report it separately so that it can be put on the resident 's file .
5 This has the big advantage that it can be put into place by just one person .
6 Mr Webb says the row wo n't stop his fund raising activities — but he thinks the hospital should refund the money it spent , so that it can be put towards other needy projects .
7 Yeah is there anywhere that it can be put away when the children are not there ?
8 To get out he has to supply information about his identity so that he can be put into the right bureaucratic pigeon-hole .
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