Example sentences of "[that] [be] [adv] relevant to " in BNC.

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1 Here we shall merely try to summarise the main points that are immediately relevant to the topic of this book .
2 It should also have defined measures of performance , a mechanism for recognising when deviations occur , and a means of taking control action when necessary , factors that are particularly relevant to the Procedure Audit process .
3 Costs that are not relevant to the appraisal are ignored .
4 It also raises some of the problems endemic to grid technique : the limitations imposed by verbal labels and the difficulty posed by constructs that are not relevant to certain elements .
5 ‘ He talks about things that are intuitively relevant to everyday life . ’
6 Although a problem is not an invitation to launch out into a general disquisition on the department of law on which the problem is set , it is important in working out the problem to state all the rules of law that are really relevant to it .
7 Nevertheless , there are aspects of the running of collective bureaux that are very relevant to those bureaux who wish to make some alterations to the strict division of tasks .
8 Given their prior , distinctive relationship with industry and commerce , the polytechnics were in a position to provide courses ‘ that are more relevant to industrial and commercial needs than the traditional academic courses at universities ’ .
9 Erm Joyce I think had had tried to drop out the things that were only relevant to individual officers out .
10 ‘ There is no point in bothering your head with stuff that is not relevant to a conviction .
11 Rather , the appeal has been one that is also relevant to wide sections of the electorate .
12 A cautionary tale , and one that is very relevant to life in the 90s .
13 The definitional question , of what natural selection is , can be answered by specifying necessary and sufficient conditions for its occurrence , namely hereditary variation that is causally relevant to reproductive success thanks to organism-environment interactions ; it can , then , be answered without begging in advance of empirical inquiry all those further questions as to whether these conditions are ever met : whether , that is , any natural selection exists ; and , if so , how it is distributed , what it can do now and what it has been responsible for in the past .
14 A core of topics/issues now exists and trainers select from this , supplementing it with material that is directly relevant to the college or subject area .
15 Some respondents to the Discussion Paper expressed concern that its disclosure requirements could impose unacceptable burdens on preparers and result in financial statements including information that was not relevant to users and difficult to interpret .
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