Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [vb mod] take [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I FEEL that I must take issue with two stories ( Echo March 4 ) in relation to diabetes ( a ) special foods , and ( b ) specialist nurses .
2 I FEEL that I must take issue with two stories ( Echo March 4 ) in relation to diabetes ( a ) special foods , and ( b ) specialist nurses .
3 ‘ I warn you that I will take steps to prevent you ’ or ‘ I promise that I will be there on time ’ .
4 I just feel that I can take credit , or blame , for what I do and have done .
5 The fact that I can take pleasure in each day as it comes , that I do n't churn myself up into a state of hyperactive neuroticism ? ’
6 I really did n't feel capable of returning to work , but was persuaded to by one of my managers with the promise that I could take things easy .
7 There must be something in this : when morning came , amid some laughter , my husband re-enacted the closing chapter of the old year by going up into the rafters and suspending himself through the hole so that I could take photographs .
8 I had decided that I should take control of the aeroplane and try to fly it to England .
9 After all I promised my Auntie before she died [ Mr Cannon 's wife ] that I 'd take care of him … and he 's a sweet old man , he 's always grateful for what you do for him . ’
10 John likes to keep the horses separate so that they do n't kick each other , but Hopscotch often jumps into Milton 's paddock to keep him company ; and sometimes if the weather is bad , one of the children 's ponies is turned out with him , otherwise Milton , who is a bit of a softy , will hang around by the gate in the hope that someone will take pity on him and take him back to his warm stable .
11 It had never once crossed his mind that she would take exception to what he had done .
12 Such was the strength of this conviction , Zambia made a solemn vow that SHe would take hir own life before one of Penumbra 's sleazy , slimy patrons ever touched one of hir wonderful , magical organs again .
13 P&O CONTAINERS have shipped a yacht half way around the world so that she can take part in a round-the=world race !
14 Chiang out of her cell , so that she could take part in the liberation .
15 Once she moved out , Pattie discovered that she could take care of herself and the baby and the sense of freedom was fantastic .
16 ‘ But , to answer your question , no , I 'm not worried that you 'll take advantage of your position to misdirect my designers .
17 Or , asking your employer if you can change your hours of work so that you can take advantage of cheap rate travel .
18 I certainly advise you to keep asking questions throughout because as I say although they 're speaking in a very very general way the often slip up and give you a particular that you can take advantage and if you lead them on then the more information is available to you .
19 ‘ I hope you do n't imagine that you can take advantage of me , ’ she managed , her voice croaking hoarsely .
20 We would therefore ask you to familiarise yourself with these requests so that you can take part fully in the discussion in your group .
21 A whole world of colour and sound is waiting to be brought back on video tape , and camcorders are now so simple to operate , and so portable , that you can take pictures just about anywhere .
22 The good news is that you can take steps to prevent heart attacks happening to you and your family .
23 I beleive that you will take pity and come at once , Your loving son Michael I am just crying like anythinke Come at once never mind anything else I am utterly miserable
24 If you have not already applied for your card we hope that you will take advantage of this unique opportunity and support the University .
25 However , we hope that you will take time to read the chapters that precede the recipes , menus and diet charts .
26 All of us desire nothing more than that you should take hold of your life again … more freely exercise your will .
27 This does n't mean that you should take time off work ; quite the opposite , as it is preferable that you remain occupied while on the diet .
28 Knowing that you will invariably be outnumbered means that you should take pains to ensure that you do the best you can to cut down the number of your attackers .
29 Notice by the way , that you should take care not to touch the knitting , cast-on comb or weights while you are taking the lace carriage across , to avoid dropping stitches .
30 He says his wife 's experience has taught him that you must take precautions .
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