Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [modal v] take [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But erm , it was suggested about a year or so before I left , that I might take what was called The Gardeners Scholarship to erm The Royal College for the Blind , which in those days was at erm Upper Norwood S E nineteen and erm so erm I had no objections , I did n't , I did n't see any future at all in it anyway , but erm I took this erm scholarship examination , went up to the R N C to work erm some papers and to be interviewed and erm , much to my surprise they erm offered me one of these scholarships which was worth forty pounds a year for three years in the Commercial Department of the College which was an innovation really as erm primarily a College of Music for erm blind students and erm so off I went to the R N C of sixteen and erm did my three year course and got erm some R S A certificates and erm was reasonably successful I suppose I , perhaps I was n't as diligent as I should have been .
2 I knew that I would take her back eventually , but I wanted to torment her with indifference .
3 I wrote to Mrs. X to inform her that I would take her case up with Ministers at the Ministry of Defence .
4 So anyway have a look at page fifty six cos I promised you yesterday that I would take you through the verb if you were you know the things you would want to know about .
5 Thank you chairman , I think that I 'll take it easy until the chamber empty and so .
6 And give me a pair of tongs so that I can take one out of the water at a time . ’
7 I had a meal out with a friend recently , and now we 've got mother into hospital for a few weeks so that I can take my husband away on holiday .
8 So that I can take it off and if she gets in my way you can smack her with it !
9 My next-door neighbour agreed to take her , but I promised I 'd do my best to get back in time so that I could take her myself . ’
10 And having noticed that there is nothing whatever in this ‘ I think , therefore I am ’ which assures me that I say the truth , other than that I see very clearly [ je vois très clairement ] that to think it is necessary to be , I judged that I could take it as a general rule that the things which we conceive very clearly and very distinctly [ que nous concevons fort clairement et fort distinctement ] are all true …
11 ‘ I knew , the moment I put the phone down from making that call to England , that not only did I love you with every breath of my being , but there was no way that I could take your being married to anyone but me . ’
12 She feels that I should take my cod and coalfish , garfish and grayling , salmon and sole and even the shark steaks , and install them in the old deep freeze in the garage .
13 A further discussion with Sir Henry led us to agree that the telegram must be delivered , but that I should take it in person to the Editor and see if something less embarrassing could be agreed .
14 ‘ I am desperately sad that our scheme did not come to fruition but I am glad that someone will take it over and bring these jobs to the area .
15 Boy was like that , he was hoping that somebody would take him to the place where everybody else was .
16 His first ministry was brief , but when his government was defeated it was clear that nobody could take his place : for three months George II had to run the administration without any parliamentary ministers — an operation that was not as impossible as it would have been seventy years later , though not nearly as normal as it would have been seventy years earlier .
17 Faye said nothing more about it , but when they got home she announced that she would take her blood-sugar level and evening insulin dose in her room and then lie down on her bed until dinner .
18 Betty thanked her for the bucket and smiled at her , and Lydia , who , if Betty went on like this , might turn out to be quite human , decided that she would take her her breakfast in bed in the morning : thin crispy toast with a scraping of butter and golden clear jasmine tea , and an egg-cupful of harebells to remind her of the sky .
19 When Bassanio asked the doctor , a dressed up Portia , how he could pay her , she answered that she would take nothing but the ring .
20 He sensed that she would take it black and sugarless and he was right .
21 Henry had a feeling that she would take it well .
22 JERVIS : Why , sir , she is a poor , innocent , young creature and I believe has so much confidence in me that she would take my advice as soon as she would her mother 's .
23 So she thought that she might take it on trust .
24 Later that day , Mrs Knelle declared that she 'd take me for a drive , to see Ashford Castle , a local stately home that was now an hotel .
25 Gazzer felt closer to Marie now than he had ever done before , and it mattered to him very much that she should take him seriously .
26 I believe it is possible to propose an explanation for the intuitive feeling one gets that the -ing form would be somewhat inappropriate here : the author is describing a person who is groping for anything which will reassure her before she meets her angry father and the mere fact that she is able to perceive objects which are familiar to her — when she feels so disoriented that she can take nothing for granted — is what gives her the sense that she is neither shirking nor lying .
27 and er they 've been back so that she can take her camera and that out , cos she kept cameras and er bedding and stuff in drawers
28 She thought then that she could take anything but that he should know she loved him .
29 ‘ Well , I thought that you would take something within reason for yourself .
30 ‘ Of course , you did promise Anna that you would take her to Sherwood Forest the next time she and Sam came over on business , ’ he reminded Merrill tauntingly .
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