Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] his mother [unc] " in BNC.

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1 Patrick saw something settle down behind his mother 's eyes , something like satisfaction , and the anger that had burned within him since he had discovered the identity of Joseph Hyde 's attackers , turned cold and brittle .
2 He learns about his father 's weak spirit , which caved in to his mother 's strength ; how his father committed adultery with Harry 's aunt and tried to kill his mother ; how his father deserted the family when Harry was eight years old .
3 When at last he was alone , Peter went back to the sitting room and sat down at his mother 's desk .
4 The police had only recently organized a stake-out in a house just down the road , watching and waiting for a serial murderer to call in at his mother 's council flat to collect his laundry .
5 Fortunately he had been taken in by his mother 's father up to the age of six , living in a cottage by Denbigh castle ; but after this grandfather died he spent nine years as a child in St Asaph workhouse .
6 He looked up into his mother 's calm , kind eyes .
7 He picks me up in his mother 's car and we drive through Colonia Escalon to a roundabout where cars park beside Snack stalls .
8 It 's hard to give your heart to a man who dresses up in his mother 's ball-gown and corsets .
9 Horace Walpole describes the effect of walking through the grotto into the garden in language that both recalls Eloisa to Abelard and anticipates descriptions in the Gothic novel : ‘ The passing through the gloom from the grotto to opening day ; the retiring and again assembling shades ; the dusky groves , the larger lawn , and the solemnity of the termination at the cypresses that led up to his mother 's tomb , are managed with exquisite judgement . ’
10 The 27-year-old car bomber was charged with killing Paolo Borsellino , who was blown up outside his mother 's flat in Sicily on July 19 .
11 Charlie stared up at his mother 's framed photo that Becky had hung on the wall .
12 Although Hank was obsessed with his own problems , he was well aware of what was going on in his mother 's head .
13 He had ridden out for his mother 's people as well , and finally , he had joined with the people of the Court , ‘ For ’ l he had thought , ‘ it is my people , my half-brother the Gruagach seek to drive out . ’
14 It wo n't do him no harm to be out of his mother 's apron-strings fer a bit longer .
15 At first fortune smiled on him : ‘ He was tumbled out of his mother 's womb into the lap of the muses at Cambridge ’ , says his contemporary Anthony à Wood .
16 The next day they charged Barry Moxton with the murder of his wife Mary and there was a picture on the front pages of him being led away with a blanket over his head and another of a policeman coming out of his mother 's house with a plastic bag that was said to contain his bloodstained and half-burned clothing , and a day or so after that Uncle Titch turned up in South Wales with his horse and cart where he said he 'd gone after a merry-go-round and did n't know what all the fuss was about , did n't know about any murder , did n't read the papers and was generally believed , at least by the people on the estate , because it was typical of Uncle Titch , and by that time the Queerfella who was queerer than any of them knew had made a full confession and it was all over bar the shouting and the trial , when he pleaded guilty and was sent down for life and everyone said he should have been hanged and pretended it had never once crossed their minds that it was Uncle Titch that done it .
17 Thoroughly bewildered , and wondering why on earth Mrs McMahon was behaving so strangely , Ellie watched Feargal teasingly twitch the package out of his mother 's hands .
18 NAUGHTY Kevin Corbett was almost back in his mother 's good books yesterday , a week after he sold her engagement ring for one pound .
19 Their only son , also Philip , decided to come back to his mother 's home to live .
20 When Leach discovered Jacqueline was sleeping with Tommy he moved back to his mother 's house in Slough , and at Easter , 1989 , Tommy moved into Jacqueline 's flat .
21 David had obviously always known and Julia had learned that , whatever feelings were churning around inside his mother 's mind , it was vital for her that they remained private .
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