Example sentences of "[vb -s] about [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Normally , the council has about 90pc of the 58,000 forms back by this time .
2 It reckons MCI now has about 18% of the US long-distance business , up from about 14% three years ago .
3 A glass of wine — red or white — contains about 15% of the recommended daily amount of iron for a man ; 10% for a woman .
4 He quotes about £30,000 for a small inland farmhouse or ruin needing restoration and about £25,000 for a small apartment .
5 The present England shirt costs about £24.99 for a full-sized fan , but the little number that saw us through ( and its red going-away alternative ) is beginning to reek from all those coach trips , nights spent in railway stations and sweaty terrace pens .
6 Novon already takes about 40% of the store 's sales of compact powders .
7 Machair forms about 10% of the land area .
8 Such people usually point to a single statistic for evidence ; for instance , that the public sector employs about 30% of the labour force or , as with Milton Friedman , that public expenditure at around 60% of National Income threatens to destroy freedom and democracy .
9 Oh , yes , the Milan-based menswear group which charges about £700 for a regular suit and wants to be seen as a deeply serious friend of the earth .
10 The electricity generated , however , due to the amount of heat lost in the process of generation ( mainly at the stage of converting heat energy of steam into the mechanical energy of the turbine ) only represents about 30% of the energy used in the power station .
11 An intact Ozone Layer prevents about 99% of the sun 's UV rays from reaching the Earth .
12 It 's a relatively cheap sport to set up ; the pilots cost under £5,000 each and each driver pays about £30 for a session .
13 For Great Britain as a whole , according to the 1981 Census , this makes about 49% of the population middle class and 51% working class .
14 In September it was asked by the MOD how much scope it had to lift ammunition production ( it provides about 45% of the ministry 's total purchases ) .
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