Example sentences of "[was/were] obvious that [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 We had gotten to that section of the tune where it was obvious that we had played enough for the outro and I decided , off the top of my head , to start playing a song that I had started writing earlier in the week .
2 From the way they were digging it was obvious that they had no idea what it was all about .
3 It was obvious that they had been outside all the time , probably in a van .
4 The confrontation convinced them that , on the contrary , they were so dogmatic and sure of themselves that it was obvious that they had no intention of being deterred .
5 Though Steven had not yet qualified as a doctor/passed his A levels/opened his restaurant/learned to tell the difference between a gasket and a sprocket , it was obvious that they had much in common .
6 I experienced a moment of complete terror in which my mind raced — I had been discovered after all ; it was obvious that I had a limp ; everyone could see it ; they 'd seen it all along and had chosen this moment to hit me with it , my weakest moment …
7 A streamlined eighty-footer , it was obvious that it had been , until very , very recently , a dazzling white .
8 Rostov was not sure what purpose his stateroom had served previously but it was obvious that it had been occupied by at least four persons , all of whom had been possessed of diverse tastes with regard to the minimal decoration which was permissible aboard a ship designed for deep space exploration .
9 She was quite attractive except for a very nasty skin condition , her face and arms were covered with a large number of pustules and it was obvious that she had been scratching them ; the scratch-marks were bleeding slightly .
10 It was obvious that she had n't managed that on their first encounter .
11 But , after nearly an hour , it was obvious that she had simply been brought to this near-empty building and left for the police to find her .
12 It was obvious that she had come into the laboratory after the blow had been struck , and had in fact seen very little .
13 It was obvious that she had no wish to discuss the opinions of Officer Hassan .
14 It was obvious that she had not yet made her point to her satisfaction .
15 Though he 'd scarcely taken his eyes off her , it was obvious that she had n't made a very favourable impression on him .
16 I picked one of them up and was struck to the heart , for it was obvious that he had been writing a lot of poetry , all of it , so it seemed to me , very good .
17 And when it was obvious that he had nothing more to say , they lay down on their cots , pulled up their blankets and turned their faces to the wall .
18 It was obvious that he had forgotten who the man was .
19 It was obvious that he had been under house arrest at some point in his life . ’
20 It was obvious that someone had robbed the company of a great deal of money and Craig was trusting her to find out who .
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