Example sentences of "[was/were] responsible for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Having run out of excuses for the abject failure of your Government 's economic policies , ’ he said , ‘ you are now trying to pin the blame on your predecessor , in whose Government you were responsible for economic policy . ’
2 As with development plans , counties were responsible for strategic issues while districts were responsible for local issues .
3 The GLC and MCCs were responsible for strategic planning , refuse disposal , transport , fire and police ( outside London ) .
4 Several bishops , in particular Laud himself and Richard Neile , were responsible for important changes in the decoration of their cathedrals .
5 Sentencing McPherson , the judge , Lord Cameron , said he accepted that McPherson had been in some part less responsible for the violence to Mr O'Donnell that evening , but added : ‘ Nevertheless you played a full part in luring him into the hands of those who were responsible for repeated acts of a bizarre and terrible character upon him . ’
6 As with development plans , counties were responsible for strategic issues while districts were responsible for local issues .
7 One was responsible for industrial relations and union negotiations .
8 Coming to England as a political refugee , he had originally worked for Thomas Gray , the poet , who , as Professor of History , was responsible for modern languages in the University .
9 Woods worked directly under Michael Balcon when he was appointed head of production in 1947 and was responsible for employing Ardizzone , Bawden , Barnett Freedman , Peake , Minton , Piper , Searle and others , to produce posters and other advertising material .
10 Appointed principal of the Calcutta School of Art and keeper of the Government Art Gallery in 1896 , a post he held until 1906 , he was responsible for momentous changes in the art-school curriculum which led to the first Indian nationalist art movement , the Bengal School of Painting , under the artist Abanindranath Tagore .
11 Nor did the kingship make for singleminded action on the battlefield : Sparta found ways of getting round the more obvious difficulties of dual command , but a king could always be brought to book by the oligarchic element ( the gerousia or council of elders , which was responsible for political trials ) or by the democratic — the Assembly , which could fine a king and limit his powers ( cp. p. 161 for Agis in 418 ) .
12 Bibby joined the council immediately after the child care crisis of the mid-80s and was responsible for various changes essential to the organisation , introducing new child care services and revising structures .
13 The State Security Committee ( KGB ) , which was responsible for Soviet border defences , rushed border guard reinforcements to the Azerbaijan-Iran border on Jan. 3 amid reports that attacks on border installations had spread and now threatened the entire 800 km frontier .
14 The firm of Waring & Gillow was responsible for contemporary furniture in many large houses , and supplied the Dolls ' House with typical , practical pieces for staff bedrooms .
15 The list had been drawn up and presented to Cristiani by the independent Truth Commission , with responsibility under the peace agreement for ascertaining who was responsible for human rights violations during the civil war ( 1980-1991 ) .
16 The UN 's slow reaction was highlighted in the journal , Africa Confidential , which reported in August that the newly appointed UN Development Programme Emergency Representative ( who was responsible for leading emergency co-ordination ) was delayed in Kenya for three months by bureaucratic problems .
17 Boris Gidaspov , the Leningrad city and oblast first secretary who had emerged recently as one of the most prominent party conservatives , said that " complete disorganization of the executive mechanism " was responsible for growing destabilization in the country .
18 In the course of twenty-five years of persistent pioneering work , he was responsible for novel design features , such as the duplex condenser ( 1924 ) , objective changer ( 1926 ) , and cone condenser ( 1930 ) , the last allowing for the first time ultraviolet , dark-ground photographs of viruses .
19 The state was responsible for full employment policies .
20 While local government was responsible for public health , and for the rudimentary planning , housing and hospital functions required to help achieve more sanitary urban areas , education was made the responsibility of separately elected school boards .
21 There is also the danger of unwittingly shielding the actions and motives of senior management from criticism by implying that it was ‘ the organisation ’ that was responsible for particular decisions .
22 As secretary and later resident he was responsible for English representation at Vienna in 1697–1700 , although William III placed more reliance on his Dutch counterpart .
23 He was able to ensure that the strong anti-natalist movement penetrated the highest offices of state and was responsible for enormous sums being spent in US foreign aid thereafter ( Simon 1981 ; Warwick 1982 ) .
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