Example sentences of "[was/were] taking place [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The government responded by carrying out mass arrests of pro-democracy activists , and by the end of February violent confrontations were taking place between demonstrators and the security forces .
2 Even if the observation was not consciously made , Leonard recognised the great similarities which were taking place between music and poetry ( and in art and sculpture , too ) , which went under the name of neo-classicism in the former and modernism in the latter .
3 At 1 p.m. on the twenty-sixth , explosions loud enough to be heard well over 150 kilometres away were taking place at intervals of about ten minutes , and at about 2 p.m. an English ship , 120 kilometres from the scene , sighted a black cloud , rising to an altitude estimated to be about twenty-five kilometres above the volcano .
4 In response to the massive changes that were taking place throughout Germany a whole series of patriotic clubs and societies grew up in the 1890s .
5 In November 1990 it was reported that discussions were taking place among opposition parties about the formation of a united front to challenge the NDP .
6 The American archives suggest that even in 1954 the British would have been somewhat reassured had they been able to eavesdrop on some of the discussions which were taking place in Washington .
7 The head of the first UN human rights team to visit Iraq since the Gulf war , Max van der Stoel , said on Jan. 20 that " massive violations " of human rights were taking place in Iraq .
8 Similar developments were taking place in pharmaceuticals , aerospace , construction and automobiles , where it was becoming increasingly difficult for firms to maintain capability in all the technology options for the future .
9 The Central Committee 's Theses , adopted shortly before the 19th Party Conference in 1988 , contained the first official criticism of Soviet foreign policy in the Brezhnev and Gromyko years , suggesting that there had been too much ‘ dogmatism ’ and ‘ subjectivism ’ at this time and that Soviet policy had lagged behind the important changes that were taking place in world affairs .
10 While trials of Securitate leaders were taking place in Timisoara , opposition activists alleged that a high proportion of secret policemen were simply absorbed into the government agencies , armed forces and revamped services .
11 Macura claimed that talks were taking place in Bosnia with the Serbian Democratic Party and the small Organization of Moslems in Bosnia ( MBO ) , the latter pulling out of the talks on Aug. 29 .
12 On the following Monday some of them pursued him to a review that was taking place on Wimbledon Common , while others went to the City , occupied the Royal Exchange and picketed the coffee houses , carrying placards reading More Wages .
13 Marham was to provide all of the Washington aircraft for the review which was taking place on July 15 , 1953 ; a 12-ship formation and four a static display .
14 This conversation , occurring shortly after the conversation with Patrick recorded above , was taking place at Ludens 's flat , where a scrappy supper had been laid out by Ludens after Gildas 's telephone call .
15 Following the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth 11 in June 1953 , RAF Marham , the other major RAF Washington base , began preparations for the Coronation Review of the RAF , which was taking place at RAF Odiham the following month .
16 On Sunday they heard that some sort of evacuation was taking place at Dunkirk .
17 The ZETA team detected these neutrons using scintillation counters and boron counters , and by activating silver ( neutrons have a large ‘ cross-section ’ — propensity to interact — with boron and silver , hence the use of these elements to detect them ) and showed that fusion was taking place in ZETA on a substantial scale .
18 For example , where the last ice age was taking place in Europe , then you can see the signal of the lower temperatures in the oceans off north west Africa in the form of this sediment signal .
19 As he arrived , amidst a collection of amplifiers mysteriously left behind by Crosby , Still , Nash & young , a fateful meeting was taking place in California .
20 A meeting of university presidents was taking place in Beijing , prompted by student unrest in June ( which will be looked at in the next chapter ) , and they were considering the effects that ‘ Heshang ’ might have .
21 This tension may have caused its failure in the eyes of contemporary readers , but it is also the sign of a change which was taking place in Brooke-Rose 's attitude toward fiction .
22 During the entire day he felt a violent , dissatisfied feeling that his whole life was taking place in front of his eyes without anything at all taking place .
23 When she heard the voice of Sam 's mother she realized for the first time that it was more than likely that her own mother would , during the course of the evening , make some reference to the dinner-party which , she had been led to believe , was taking place in Pam 's house .
24 Keep fit was taking place alongside book-keeping ; languages and embroidery were next to jobsearch ; cookery and pottery were adjoining computer studies ; upholstery was alongside management training and business start-up .
25 He said fierce fighting was taking place near Bahdu and insisted I would need at least a hundred soldiers if I went there .
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