Example sentences of "[was/were] found [conj] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Similar results were found when the palmitic acid in the sn-1 position was replaced by another saturated fatty acid ( stearic acid ) .
2 Subsequently , in 1971 , the circular ring started to be replaced by a D-shaped ring , since it was found that the former was being extensively used in parking meters !
3 It was found that the financial , growth and transportation sectors were especially sensitive to the default factor because the firms in these sectors tend to be highly geared .
4 Consequently , a Filing Working Party was established and , alter extensive examination of the reference construction , it was found that the only changes considered viable ( ie that could be made without having to completely revise the titles of some 60,000 active files ) were to the first three fields of the reference structure , establishing the basis for a limited computerised search facility in the proposed index system , rather than the extensive facilities envisaged by the FAOR Team .
5 Using mean seed weight , which increases with time , as a parameter , it was found that the dry site would take about 150 years to revert to the conditions obtaining in the original forest , whereas in the wet forest , the figure of 1000 years was obtained once again .
6 It was found that the overall usage rate of LGS out of all cases of diarrhoea was 4.1 , 8.2 and 9.9% in Phase 1 , Phase 2 ( standard ) and Phase 2 ( CRP ) unions respectively .
7 The pain worsened and on admission it was found that the right coronary artery was blocked ( Figure 2 ) .
8 The original Milnes four wheeled cars were now getting very decrepit and it was found that the nine bogie cars would be quite sufficient to provide the normal service between West Croydon and Mitcham , so a number of Milnes cars were stored away in the back parts of the other two depĂ´ts .
9 It had been the intention to incorporate part of the old casual ward , to the east of the infirmary but in the course of the preparatory work it was found that the old buildings were bug-infested to an extent which made it undesirable to use any part of them .
10 In Sunderland , for example , it was found that the northern part of the town shows this pattern of concentric circles , although in the south there was a wedge-shaped pattern of development ( see figure 7.6 ) .
11 Public health officials did all in their power to stop the 1964 pie going ahead ; there was a typhoid epidemic in Aberdeen in the 1960 's and it was found that the last serious epidemic before that had been in Denby Dale in the 1930's , and the infection can linger for many years .
12 Certainly , on the Western Front , it was found that the scarlet poppy proliferated on devastated battlefields , particularly those of the Somme .
13 It was found that the swelling was not a tumour but an aneurysma large swelling of a blood vessel .
14 When these two studies using rt-PA were combined it was found that the earlier the attempted thrombolysis the higher the patency rate of the infarct related vessel .
15 This does not necessarily imply a chase and no evidence of an attack was found when the Roman town at Casterton was excavated in the 1950s .
16 At Ashington in Somerset , for example , a handful of Roman sherds was found when the deserted village site was ploughed , showing that there had been a Romano-British settlement on the same site as the medieval village .
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