Example sentences of "[vb -s] [prep] the corner of " in BNC.

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1 We lie together beneath the crumpled warm sheet , and a tear trickles from the corner of my eye as if Jancey was dead .
2 A pile of toy animals lies in the corner of the gallery in Telling Tales .
3 The rowan tree ( Sorbus aucuparia ) or in Gaelic , which stands in the corner of the kitchen garden or just beyond the house or byre , has protected the home , the family and the cattle from witches and fairies for centuries , and has endured after many a homestead has been deserted .
4 One night , early in February 1518 , the three of us were in a tavern called the Chariot , a cosy little ale house which stands on the corner of the Rue des Mineurs near the church of Saint Sulpice .
5 A black rag flaps across the corner of the eye — ; Blackbird homing from green — ; And this rain is trickling down gulleys , into the splits
6 Then , unseen at first , a small but subsequently vociferous crowd of lads out on the piss gathers at the corner of the bar .
7 So the who Th one goes into there , if it 's a cup shall we say , a cup goes in The opening of that cup goes into the corner of that ,
8 It 's almost as if he paces in the corner of the office waiting to get his hands on me — and he gets jealous when I 'm writing about someone else . ’
9 It is also a pleasure for a nation of country lovers to escape from what is in danger of becoming a land of theme parks and golf courses , to a place in which the earth is actually used for growing things and where the workers have n't been reduced to the statutory rustic who sits in the corner of the saloon bar entertaining the merchant bankers .
10 And if you notice what we 're trying to do is with our er illustration here er is to reflect the the gentility if you like of the Yorkshire hills and Yorkshire dales and we have a logo of our own which appears in the corner of the screen .
11 Generally , it will be best to run it up the corner of the kitchen which coincides with the corner of a room upstairs .
12 yeah , I think it 's an organ , and that , that is all in those two recesses , now , you know if I find you know that I do n't get anywhere and I ca n't see that I wo n't , but if , because the bathroom is where the dog is there , of course consequently that comes through the corner of the lounge
13 We pass the Madeira Wine Company Lodge , with its museum and tasting room , and the Tourist Office , which also has an art gallery attached , and then comes to the corner of Avenidas Arriaga and Zarco .
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