Example sentences of "[vb -s] [prep] [art] period of " in BNC.

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1 They were well known in Shakespeare 's time , for in A Midsummer Night 's Dream , Titania remarks about a period of unseasonable weather :
2 Every teenager goes through a period of deciding who he really is .
3 Dealers are worried that a minority government , which might have to consider seeking a firmer mandate by calling a second general election later in the year , would be hard pressed to keep sterling within its exchange rate mechanism bands during a period of continuing uncertainty .
4 Sue Weston ( Mrs Griffin ) has after a period of secondment returned to the National Childminding Association where she now works as their National Training Officer .
5 Burlamachi 's prime corresponds with the period of more active English involvement in continental affairs from about 1618 to 1630 .
6 Health : THE CASE FOR NOT MEDDLING WITH THE NHS Whoever wins on Thursday , the only hope for the future of the health service lies in a period of stability , says Christine Doyle
7 Where the disability occurs during the period of employment every effort is made to continue to provide suitable employment with the provision of appropriate training .
8 Complete restoration occurs after a period of prolamin free diet .
9 According to Freud , this happens after a period of ‘ anaesthesia ’ , in fact , often not until after first coitus .
10 During the crisis , there is a ‘ Gestalt switch ’ , which results in a period of ‘ revolutionary ’ science leading to the acceptance of a new paradigm .
11 In return for recognising the legality of the police practice of detaining suspects after arrest , but before charge , the Act attempts to give some protection to the suspect by imposing time limits on the period of detention , by introducing a system of review to ensure that detention remains necessary and by introducing a series of statutory rights supervised by the custody officer , and a Code of Practice on Detention and Questioning .
12 This project aims to identify the local leaders who were responsible for chapels , schoolrooms and manses in a period of nonconformist growth , to study their place in the religious bodies they served and in the communities where they lived .
13 Economy is a measure of how much the product costs over the period of use with regard to the performance achieved .
14 His entire oeuvre as a photographer fits into a period of 18 short years .
15 This selection obviously takes in the period of purely sailing ships , through hybrids to the fully powered vessels of the mid-20th century .
16 The information recorded on the birth certificate refers to one point in time — when the child 's birth was registered — whereas the information reported at interview refers to a period of employment of three months or longer , at any time from three years before the child 's birth up until diagnosis .
17 On a time-scale which may not coincide exactly with our present scientific calculations of geological time , they say that the cycle commences with a period of 1.7 million years when the power of the Life Force is immeasurably stronger and more evident in physical affairs than it is today .
18 the day falls within the period of 6 months beginning with 1 May 1992 ,
19 The inventoried music falls within the period of Lully to Campra , and interestingly does not extend to Rameau .
20 It explains the observed rises in the apc when income falls over the period of a trade cycle .
21 If this flowering season coincides with a period of terrible weather , you could lose the entire crop for that year .
22 He described human infants as being likely to experience problems in the regulation of breathing , such as those associated with the sudden infant death syndrome , because their anatomical and neurological immaturity coincides with a period of change that is specific to humans , that of the acquisition and use of language .
23 In times when there is moderate inflation a fixed rent means that the real cost of the lease decreases over the period of the lease .
24 The Zurbarán ( estimate £1.2–1.6 million ) is a recent rediscovery , and probably dates from the period of the painter 's greatest success in Seville around 1640 .
25 The Gomez couple in Flame in the Street , although they have their arguments and race-related problems , appear relatively happy , if rather passionless : the structure of the narrative , taking place as it does over a period of one day , does not allow us to see the child that Judy Gomez is carrying .
26 The team works for a period of five years , with one eye on the recent past and the other on the immediate future , with the result that a whole decade is given critical consideration .
27 The appeal , to be made by the Umalah ( Muslim clergy ) next Friday in Britain 's 1,000 mosques , comes after a period of relative quiet among campaigners and is being interpreted as a shift towards Mr Rushdie 's more vigorous opponents , including Dr Kalim Siddiqui .
28 The law provides that if a member of a local authority fails throughout a period of six consecutive months to attend any meeting of the local authority he shall , unless the failure was due to some reason approved by the local authority before the expiry of that period , cease to be a member of the authority .
29 Interaction usually begins with a period of eye contact which appears to signal from me to you ( and vice versa ) that we are ready to relate .
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