Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] [subord] [pron] became " in BNC.

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1 I mean is it possible to draw a comparison between the way it erm you know the women were regarded before they became so effective ?
2 At the time it was found that a major drawback in dual-purpose cattle was that they often failed to breed true : the offspring tended towards either the beef or the dairy type of the breed 's dual-purpose spectrum , partly because of breeders ' preferences but partly , it was believed , because the dual-purpose breeds were effectively hybrids : if they had begun to show too great an emphasis on dairy characteristics , extreme beef sires were introduced to draw them back to their dual-purpose role , and likewise extreme dairy sires were used when they became too beefy .
3 The medieval Church had laid down categorical rules about the impropriety of Christians enslaving other Christians but these rules were waived when it became a matter of enslaving black Africans .
4 Mrs Thatcher 's priorities were set before she became party leader .
5 Plans to introduce an interim budget were abandoned after it became clear that the budget deficit would be larger than anticipated .
6 Later census figures were published as they became available .
7 Failure of Antarctic sanctuary plan A French proposal for the establishment of an Antarctic whale sanctuary was withdrawn when it became clear that it would not win the requisite 75 per cent level of support of IWC members .
8 The excitement was intensified when it became known that some time previously a railway clerk named Winter , who kept a black retriever , had shot himself in the porter 's cellar but Durham had claimed that he was unaware of the tragedy when he had encountered the ghost .
9 A single-track road down to the rocks was closed when it became completely jammed with traffic and an enterprising farmer is now charging visitors £1 each to park in her field .
10 His son Benjamin Lee ( 1798–1868 ) whose interest in politics and public life was rewarded when he became Lord Mayor of Dublin , later went on to represent the city as a Member of Parliament .
11 When the housing market collapsed , it appears that this property was affected because it became the subject of a forced sale .
12 A seer was troubled when he became famous and the people started to throng to him .
13 This strategy was scrapped when it became apparent that the government needed to take some action before the students revved up again for another outbreak of violence .
14 He was an experienced member of a well-drilled team , but was killed when he became tangled up with a colleague .
15 For the rest of the war , the party 's loyalty to Lloyd George was strengthened when he became not only the organizer of victory but the inspiration of the country .
16 Her career was determined when she became Breuil 's pupil at the Institut de Paléontologie Humaine ( 1922–4 ) .
17 Of course Matt was regarded as the prize and I suppose I was flattered when he became serious with me — or seemed to . ’
18 The collegial atmosphere of the symposium was strained as it became apparent the Japanese and Americans regard the Indian team as reckless , the Indians feel Japanese criticisms are groundless , and the Americans advocate a policy that would leave the site a partial ruin , while others urge comprehensive repairs and reconstruction .
19 In the case of Gothic architecture , the pointed arch was evolved because it became the key to constructing buildings which were then desirable .
20 The USSR had limited military-strategic objectives in Finland ; the country was never occupied by Soviet troops , except in the case of the lease of the Porkkala base , and this was returned once it became strategically redundant .
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