Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] [prep] [art] ground " in BNC.

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1 When the tops became straw-coloured the clumps were eased from the ground and the bulbs were dried off until the skins were yellow and brittle .
2 Standards One and Two were taught on the ground floor — a large room divided by sliding screens .
3 The system at Victor 's Dancing Academy was that beginners were taught on the ground floor , then progressed to the ballroom on the first floor when they were proficient .
4 Often such valuables were hidden in the ground , sometimes contained in a bag , wooden chest or pot .
5 Passengers ' baggage had spilled out of the hold and burst suitcases , charred books , swimming costumes and tubes of sun tan cream were scattered on the ground .
6 A few sections of rail were lying on the bottom , several more were scattered on the ground and one was propped against the end of the trailer as if whoever had been in the act of loading or unloading had abandoned it in a hurry .
7 Statues of the Shah and his father were torn to the ground ; newspapers with huge headlines " THE SHAH HAS GONE " were at once printed and distributed by the armload , to be enthusiastically seized and read .
8 Another band encircled him from the left , two massive arms had him from behind , his feet were lifted from the ground .
9 They have yet to repeat the campaign of eight years ago , when slogans of ‘ Kendall Out ’ were daubed around the ground .
10 They were heavier and more noisy than wood — and quite hard on the tummy when they were pushed into the ground .
11 Topped by a few sprouting leaves the poles were festooned to the ground with garlands of paper-wrapped firecrackers , which were all now detonating deafeningly .
12 Many were clubbed to the ground and kicked .
13 During the day 's raid three Marylands were damaged on the ground at Luqa .
14 Immediately after the engine stopped and with the ferry pilot still in the aircraft , all wireless , electrical and weapons systems plus engine and airframe were inspected by the ground crews .
15 That marked the first time that solar neutrons were detected on the ground .
16 Backstage at the Brixton Academy two fans were kicked to the ground while attempting to gain admittance to the dressing room .
17 About 200 piles were driven into the ground to a depth of five to six metres until they hit rock .
18 The cases were laid on the ground .
19 Meanwhile , in the north-west , Carlisle cathedral and neighbouring houses were burnt to the ground so that the clergy had , as one chronicler put it , nowhere to lay their heads .
20 Several Sunderland fans were escorted from the ground after running on the pitch when their team scored the winning goal .
21 The pirates were fixed to the ground after the voice died away , their staring eyes full of horror .
22 The rest of the children were seated on the ground so that all five of them were now very exposed .
23 But his subjects evidently doubted his good faith , for in June the tax collectors in Staffordshire and Shropshire were resisted on the ground that the king had not carried out his promises regarding the forest .
24 The bomb went off and Joe Matos , a salesman , and Ayidan Zekai , a secretary , were thrown to the ground .
25 The cards had nothing on them but apparently meaningless hieroglyphics and they were thrown to the ground to add to the litter that so distresses London Transport .
26 She was deeper than the house , level with worms , all the dead things that were put into the ground .
27 Children were knocked to the ground , screaming and crying as the guards broke through the picket line .
28 If Dublin were razed to the ground , what would it matter if some of the ashes belonged to Marks and Spencer ?
29 Villages were razed to the ground , so that they did not disrupt the view from drawing-room windows , with the same enthusiasm with which the peasantry on the more distant corners of the estate were dispossessed of their wetland commons in the pursuit of productive farming .
30 Rommel arrived at Alamein , the Russians drove the Germans out of Russia , English and American troops landed on the continent , whole German cities were razed to the ground in one night : I heard it all from the same patch of sand , four hundred yards long by a hundred wide in the middle of a Silesian Pine forest .
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