Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] [prep] be able " in BNC.

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1 Military commissions were in demand in Scotland , and Scottish politicians were expected to be able to satisfy their friends , and with an almost constant 25 per cent of the officer corps drawn from Scotland they clearly succeeded to an astonishing degree in obtaining positions for their countrymen .
2 The company was fully bonded and all 1,400 holidaymakers currently overseas on skiing trips in France and Austria with its subsidiary , Kaleidoscope , were expected to be able to complete their holidays while those with bookings would be reimbursed .
3 Councils such as Camden , Lambeth , Islington and Edinburgh , among others , were felt to be able to fund ‘ excessive ’ spending simply because of the high rateable values of commercial and office property within them .
4 There was an increase in the price of goods that the Third World imported , more exports , therefore , were needed to be able to afford the same amount of imports .
5 ( Because they were thought to be able to change their form at will , the accused were branded ‘ shape shifters ’ ) .
6 By flouting the rules of practice , which prohibit touting for business , certain solicitors were alleged to be able to place themselves in an unfairly advantaged position .
7 They , too , will owe a lot to the boycotters and sanctioners , including one in particular that I used to revile and later was honoured to be able to call friend — also a keen cricketer , a left-hand bat who as a schoolboy in Pretoria was thought promising enough to be headed for a higher grade of cricket one day .
8 She was a mantri , a person who knew certain magic incantations , and was reputed to be able to cure sick animals .
9 ‘ I was gratified to be able to answer promptly , and I did .
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