Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] included in [art] " in BNC.

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1 As regards Olivetti 's OEM agreement with Digital Equipment Corp , a spokesman at Olivetti said , although DEC was selling Olivetti desktops throughout Europe — it sold approximately 60,000 in 1992 — portables were only included in the agreement at the start of this year ; much later than Olivetti decided to create a new line .
2 Thirteen schools were thus included in the survey .
3 Unlike Marcion , many Gnostic sects welcomed numerous gospels other than the four which were finally included in the canon , and enjoyed producing ‘ secret ’ or apocryphal gospels , acts , epistles , and apocalypses ( the choice of these and not other literary genres being a silent testimony to the existence and currency of the canonical texts ) .
4 The Girls were also included in the finale which consisted of the 150 music hall artistes presenting Variety 's Garden Party .
5 What has been overshadowed by all the hype about CFCs is that carbon tetrachloride ( ‘ tetra ’ ) and 1,1,1-trichloroethane ( ‘ 1,1,1 ’ ) were also included in the London revision of the protocol .
6 Respondents who indicated that ‘ all senior staff ’ or all ‘ section heads ’ or all ‘ supervisory staff ’ have training responsibilities , but who did not specify any individuals as having a co-ordinating role , or spending at least one-quarter of their time on training , were also included in the second group .
7 Most of the pupils participating were in the fourth year , but some third years were also included in the last round of testing .
8 Various leaping kicks were also included in the range of techniques .
9 The workings of the design studio were also included in the tour .
10 Other new items added to existing ranges were also included in the Spring Launch .
11 Seventy seven patients with inflammatory bowel disease were also included in the study .
12 Thirty five healthy subjects with different blood groups were also included in the study .
13 The site at Parc Menai and the Mentec facility at Bangor were then included in a ‘ broader focus ’ approach .
14 There are a whole list of erm I would call non-core items , which erm were previously included in the education service department which will now not happen .
15 In addition to the votes of PDS deputies , Napolitano had also secured the votes of deputies from all four parties which were subsequently included in the government .
16 These are often documents that were never included in the original audit — perhaps never existed until someone saw the potential of the new system and decided to exploit it .
17 And if I 'm not mistaken , there are a number of things here that were never included in the findings of the T'ang 's committee . ’
18 They have survived because the way in which they are organised meant they were never included in the two-year Defence Ministry study which has led to the cuts .
19 Sometimes it was not possible to know precisely which kind were actually included in a particular scheme .
20 The poll tax was duly included in the 1987 Conservative election manifesto and after their election victory it became the dominant political issue .
21 In accordance with section 67 the item was properly included in the bill but the bill should have stated that this item had not yet been paid .
22 Provision for legislation for Marine Nature Reserves was only included in the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1987 at the last minute , after much pressure was brought to bear on Peers and MP 's by conservation bodies such as WWF and the Marine Conservation Society .
23 The right to national self-determination was formally included in the first programme of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party ( RSDLP ) , but was accorded a relatively low priority .
24 The taxpayer sometimes also provided facilities for the duplication of films onto video cassettes and for dubbing , which was carried out in Hong Kong , and the cost was usually included in the sub-licence fee .
25 TRANMERE 'S young goalkeeper Danny Coyne was yesterday included in the Welsh under-21 squad to meet Belgium in the European Championship qualifier in Belgium on Tuesday , November 17 .
26 His appointment to the staff of the Borodin mission to the Kuomintang in 1924 brought him into contact with hundreds of young Vietnamese for whom Canton was the centre of Chinese nationalism ; and communism which , at this time , was still included in the Kuomintang .
27 ‘ Herbage ’ was often included in the warden 's farm ; that is , the dues collected for cattle and horses on the king 's forest pastures .
28 The Lincoln Red was originally included in the Shorthorn herdbook but split away in 1941 ( see separate entry ) .
29 This provision was indeed included in the ill-fated Consumer Guarantees Bill 1990 .
30 Since the prevalence of incomplete lactose digestion in Greece is 75% , milk was no included in the breakfast .
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