Example sentences of "[was/were] able [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Authority , and its schools , were able to draw on the skills of six experienced teachers ; the institute and the students were able to use the local knowledge and pragmatic insights of the schools ' staff and the advisory teacher .
2 The continuing resistance of the young Duke of Aquitaine delayed the progress of peace talks between the Kings of England and France but on 8 September they were able to agree to a truce until Michaelmas ( 29 September ) , the terms of which specifically excluded Richard .
3 This means that even if the government , the TUC and CBI were able to agree on a particular course of development of the national economy ‘ the state and the social partners alike are unable to enforce compliance with such a plan at the micro-level ’ ( ibid . ) .
4 But while the legislators were vying with each other to amend insolvency laws which all were agreed were far from fair or just , in 1842 they were able to agree on the need to do away with the notorious symbol of that unfairness and injustice , the Fleet Prison .
5 Within two weeks the participants were able to agree upon a draft plan .
6 I pointed out the way we had gone about it in 1974 , when we wished to add an item to the ICAO agenda and were able to agree upon a concerted approach by the major European delegations towards achieving our aims .
7 With its sights set against the established social and political order , it was further estranged from those newspapers which were able to participate in the reporting and gossip of metropolitan politics .
8 Ordinary people might at times come to the outer part of a temple and were able to participate in the festival processions .
9 Both Crook and NUJ officials were able to participate in the settlement negotiations , conducted with the help of the European Commission , which led to the drafting of s159 .
10 People wore different clothes , shopped in privately-owned shops and were able to talk with the thousands of foreigners living , working in or touring China .
11 I wa I wanted a a point that er respond er neighbourhood and the manager I spoke to said that the areas that were the case since er , de decentralisation because er people are er er in coming to neighbourhood offices and that of the of the managers arrange er er er aims or er either run in in two neighbourhoods er er I I feel personally it 's been very worthwhile because we were able to talk to the er , they they they were never able to go and and and they came to the er , the neighbourhood offices international conducive er er er or er er ah i i in areas they want to talk to , so I I , I personally would would like to see this continuing er for perhaps a it is n't the best value for money i i i it certainly far better for for for can come to their neighbour office Speak
12 Thus , like the later Formalists , the Prague School were able to insist on the specific properties of the ‘ poetic ’ text , and at the same time recognize its links with the author and the social context .
13 After several months ' work , during which time they lived in a caravan parked on the site , the owners , Mr and Mrs Bates were able to move into the future garage area of the building in August 1984 and to continue work on the upper-floor accommodation under the shelter of the reslated roof .
14 An armada of small private boats and a flotilla of naval vessels sailed to the rescue ; more than three hundred and fifty thousand men were saved , men who were able to return to the battle against Hitler 's armies in Europe and Africa .
15 Some comments could be dealt with readily by changes to the draft statutory instruments but others were not so easy to resolve as they raise more fundamental questions and in these cases my officials were able to explore with the auditing practices board , whether issues could be more easily addressed in the statement of auditing standards which is being developed to accompany the legislation than in the statutory instruments themselves .
16 We think probably the reverse is the case , and we feel certain that if the industrious factory woman were able to deposit in the savings bank a portion of her earnings in her own name , the school pence for her children would be very seldom withheld ’ .
17 NOW that the World Cup is over and we are back to the league games again , I think that all rugby supporters who were able to go to the matches or to watch it on television must admit that rugby was the winner .
18 ‘ I do n't suppose you were able to go for a run this morning in this weather ? ’
19 There I had the idea of the kind of sound you could never have in the concert-hall , a sound that exists only in the imagination and in the new kind of acoustic reality we were able to create through the recording itself .
20 Valuable time was lost , the troops opposed to us were able to recover from the disorganization produced by our first attack , and the enemy was given the opportunity to bring up reinforcements . ’
21 Neither the Swedish nor the Danish navies were able to recover after the Great Northern War ( 1700–21 ) the importance they had enjoyed before its outbreak .
22 Subsection ( 2 ) is clearly an exception to the nemo dat principle , since the buyers were able to confer upon the sub-purchaser a title better than that which the buyers had themselves , namely , a title free from the sellers ’ lien and which therefore gave to the sub-purchaser the right to immediate possession .
23 Duchamp-Villon and La Fresnaye were also members of the hanging committee , so that the Cubist painters were able to exhibit for the second time that year as a group .
24 There is a closing sequence now the reason that you were able to close in the manner that you did with that bloke is a natural ability , but if I 've said to you to teach somebody else it you would say I can not do it , but I ca n't teach somebody else , because you 're not actually aware of the sequence that you 're working , can you see what I 'm saying to you ?
25 Once I had discussed the situation with Sylvia and explained to her what had been happening , we were able to progress to the next stage .
26 However , because the New Range project is very recent in history , it was possible to interview key participants who were able to elaborate on the minutiae of the planning process .
27 They were very very reliable because erm , the motive power was in a motor , electric motor , not a lot of parts to go wrong but er once you started the motor buses they had to send people away to be taught the mechanics of motor buses , so you had the old die-hards of the fetters , trolley buses , who never did take to motor buses and course the younger ones came into their own then , who were able to adapt to the modern motor bus .
28 When they started to let us out of the house we were able to rummage amongst the appalling pile of rubbish strewn around the University campus nearby .
29 In some of the most outstanding film sequences of volcanic activity ever made , the divers were able to demonstrate to the world exactly how pillows are born .
30 ‘ It is clear that we were able to demonstrate to the ministry that we are able to do the work and give value for money .
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