Example sentences of "[was/were] on [art] edge [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He sped to the line for the try after the ball evaded Packman and Northampton were on the edge of defeat .
2 This single action and comment implied a huge transformation in but one simple step , for suddenly we were on the edge of non-projected activity — ‘ some people outside my house ’ places the children in a markedly different relationship to the drama .
3 Others were on the edge of the storm and Nigel Clogstoun-Willmott had a wild ride with young Sub-Lieutenant White , who was having his first introduction to canoe reconnaissance .
4 We were on the edge of such a pit .
5 We also went down into the valley , into , we were on the edge of the Rift Valley , and there there were a different sort of people .
6 By now they had walked some distance along the Haymarket , and were on the edge of Piccadilly Circus where Dr Neil was relieved to see that Stair 's party had disappeared and the crowds there had grown less .
7 The lady was very talkative , and I gathered that they were on the edge of a big estate .
8 Now computers had been added to natural incompetence , and Cyril the Systems was on the edge of a nervous breakdown .
9 Now he was on the edge of the pine forest at the bottom of the meadow .
10 He was on the edge of weeping , but did not want Murray to realise it .
11 If someone was making a confession about an unfaithful lover , and was on the edge of tears , people would often say , listen , darling , this woman knows what she is singing about .
12 This arose from the unsatisfactory location of the College , which was on the edge of a rapidly expanding urban area increasingly remote from any true farm practice .
13 He still had enough of his wits to take great care not to let his hands touch her or anything else , but she sensed he was on the edge of collapse .
14 Apparently I was on the edge of the crater and the main blast had gone over me .
15 I was on the edge of my seat for most of the time but nobody could deny we deserved this result . ’
16 Some years ago when I was on the edge of Christianity , I spoke to a large gathering about the problematic nature of the Godhead for women .
17 It was a pointless ‘ command ’ , for Baldwin was on the edge of nervous collapse , irritable , complaining and , in the closer judgment of Jones , ’ entirely without resource The Downing Street secretaries circumvented the King by getting an haphazardly chosen doctor ( they had previously tried fourteen others , all of whom were away ) to come in and certify that the Prime Minister had to go .
18 Müller was on the edge of his seat .
19 Then , when he could take it no more , when he was on the edge of the precipice , but knew he was ready before her , he pulled back .
20 The dish was on the edge of the table .
21 She was on the edge of some nasty secret .
22 She knew she was on the edge of tears .
23 He was on the edge of a table , covered with festive fayre : plates of beef and suntanned turkey , roast something scaled like an armadillo and studded with cloves ; bowls of nuts , fruit and cream .
24 According to the Save The Children Fund the country was on the edge of famine and was about to " plummet into large-scale death from malnutrition " .
25 Most of those who saw the General in the weeks after his resignation did not come away with the impression that he was on the edge of his seat waiting to be asked back .
26 He took it a few feet out , so now he was on the edge of the 18 yard box … near the corner ( so approx 25 yards from goal ) , he pulled it back the other way , turned and curled the ball into the top left corner with his left foot .
27 " Go out in the airfield and we will tell you , and field away out , " they said , I went away out to the most remarkable end until I was on the edge of the main runway .
28 In 1986 , Gloucestershire was on the edge of panic , with 14 times the national average for the disease , and parents in Stroud , at the centre of an apparent epidemic , gathered to demand Government action .
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