Example sentences of "[is] thus [vb pp] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The exaltation of pure science is thus seen to be a defence against the invasion of norms which limit directions of potential advance and threaten the stability and continuance of scientific research as a valued activity .
2 The last situation is the system of alternating tripods of support , which is thus seen to be only one of a larger number of possible gaits .
3 This is thus seen to be a continuous monitoring activity as changes late in the development programme , within say the concepts stage , could severely affect the confidence in all downstream activities including the actual articles being produced .
4 Each model is thus seen to be independently inserted into the reference space and then attached to each other .
5 This instrument is thus seen to be a splendid complement to the other members of the woodwind fraternity .
6 There is thus believed to be a direct correlation between expected rewards and performance .
7 What is thus left unstated forms the normal background or context of statements of legal validity and is thus said to be ‘ presupposed ’ by them .
8 The realization of this event is thus felt to be prospective , an object of the longing or desire of this person , hence the need for to .
9 The enterprise of attempting to specify exhaustively the range of possible surface variants of a variable is thus argued to be irrelevant to a satisfying and explanatory account of syntactic variation .
10 The trust is thus deemed to be a fully non-resident trust .
11 It might be argued that the test procedure is thus shown to be at fault , since in all the above cases the first element can be shown to have a clear semantic function relative to the second element : in fact , it signals a sub-variety of the general category denoted by the second element .
12 The concept of existence is thus shown to be essentially the same as that of valid inference .
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