Example sentences of "[is] a kind of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But there 's more to it , is n't there … there 's a kind of secret . ’
2 ‘ It 's a kind of liqueur , locally made .
3 It 's a kind of sparkle , and it would be such a shame to extinguish it with duty .
4 ‘ A magistrate 's a kind of judge , ’ explained the surprised young gentleman .
5 He 's a kind of Anglo-Saxon , tall , slender , good-looking chap .
6 I think , Bill , Pauline 's expressing the frustration that we feel , that as David was saying earlier , as Christians we feel particularly that we are called to serve people like this in great trouble , and yet sometimes you think , you know , however many times I try erm there seems to be many people for whom erm all my effort gets nowhere , and I feel that things are getting worse in society and one feels more and more helpless and hopeless , and therefore there 's a kind of frustration erm that builds up here erm
7 That 's a kind of law of the form of movement of planets .
8 So , so what we 're talking , we 're not saying you know there are groups and there 're individuals and there 's a gap in between , what we 're saying is there 's a kind of continuum from very groupie groups where the individual is , is practically hypnotized by the , by , by , by , by the group to erm more or less complete individualism where individuals belong to , to emotional groups that are very , very weak and where identification with the with the sentries is pretty pretty minimal .
9 I can see a way out and I 'm taking it , and the fact it 's a kind of betrayal does n't really matter .
10 It 's a kind of disloyalty .
11 ‘ To be honest , I think people who need marriage are emotionally inferior — it 's a kind of weakness
12 ‘ It 's a kind of sleep , and she does n't feel pain while she 's like that .
13 ‘ Oh , it 's a kind of tattoo .
14 It 's hard to describe the feeling : it 's a kind of tiredness , of exhaustion … of the spirit .
15 It 's a kind of work encountered with more and more frequency in New York galleries these days .
16 If you 're a comic and you walk down the street and people recognize you , it means a lot of people are watching your show and that 's a kind of indicator of quality or success or whatever .
17 ‘ It 's a kind of mushroom .
18 It 's a kind of metal anthem called ‘ Basil Goes Boom ’ .
19 Yes , it 's a kind of history that history books are not usually written about .
20 He 's had his share of bad experiences in the air but ‘ it 's a kind of drug ’ and like any drug , it 's expensive to do with any regularity .
21 So it 's a kind of plot
22 There 's a kind of intimacy that 's closer than the bone
23 ‘ It 's a kind of bird , ’ said David , learnedly , ‘ like a kind of pigeon what can do magic . ’
24 There 's a kind of shyness about trusting the professional in this country .
25 It 's a kind of fable .
26 erm it 's , it 's a kind of dancey kind of hate the word but raveish type music but a bit mellower .
27 So that there 's a kind of assessment built in there … but that piece of work goes forward in the end and is more , slightly more , formally assessed in the sense that we give them direct feedback on performance , and that runs from technical notes , director 's notes , to a very much more abstract formal assessment , which is essentially subjective , ‘ How does one feel about this piece , the atmosphere it creates ’ , … and that 's quite different from director 's notes , which can be of a technical variety to do with voice , movement , audibility , characterization , anything ; the things that are actually being described , analysed , looked at in the end …
28 ‘ Yes , it 's a kind of cherub .
29 But it 's a kind of compromise .
30 So the dream becomes a symbolic expression of this conflict and what very often happens is the there 's a kind of compromise in which you go off and look for the bathroom or the drink of water or whatever it is you want , but the dream keeps postponing you finding it , in order to lengthen the dream and the state of sleep , so you go on sleeping for a bit longer .
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