Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] on the move " in BNC.

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1 As a leading authority on late antiquity has pointed out , ‘ merchants were constantly on the move , seeking opportunities in the underdeveloped territories of Western Europe , often settling far from their native towns ’ .
2 Later on , when wafts of sulphurous fumes from the volcano still so frequent that their chariots were constantly on the move , despite having their wheels chocked with stones .
3 Number 4 had not always been a lodging house ; just as several families , like the Titfords , were constantly on the move from place to place , so many an individual house or shop would see a very rapid turnover of occupants .
4 Some birds were already on the move , however .
5 Fisher Row was similar to some of the contemporary rural communities which have been studied in depth in that it had a stable core of local families which remained for generation after generation while another group which included carters , drovers and seasonal workers who found cheap lodgings in the parish were always on the move .
6 He moved round the room — in so far as it was possible in such cramped quarters — glad to he relieved momentarily of desk work but perhaps by way of indicating that the interview must be conducted as if we were both on the move ; and this meant that certain remarks were addressed to the window or the mantelpiece .
7 Human populations were perpetually on the move , constantly prodded by environmental changes … ’
8 The bristling pikes were indeed on the move , the whole mass shifting down the hill , the cavalry pacing slowly with them .
9 For Louisa Coutts Trotter , whose hypochondriacal father was constantly on the move seeking new cures , her grandmother 's Edinburgh house was a fixed point in their peregrinations ; while Willoughby de Broke eccentrically opens his autobiography with a series of chapters on the family 's houses , rather than on its people .
10 The King was constantly on the move .
11 Information arrived from deep in Northumberland that King Edward was already on the move northwards , earlier than anticipated , having left Newcastle the day before at the head of a great army estimated at sixty thousand , well equipped with cannon and siege-engines .
12 The car was already on the move .
13 Vincent lived by gusts ; he was always on the move inside himself .
14 He was always on the move , he said .
15 A country vet , especially in the Yorkshire Dales , never had the chance to get out of condition ; he was always on the move , wrestling with the big animals , walking for miles between the fell-side barns ; he was hard and tough .
16 She was always on the move .
17 Because a boatman was always on the move , his wife remained in the Row when she married , staying amongst the relations and friends she had known since she was a child .
18 Even bear raid victim Amber Day was back on the move , up 5 at 73p by the close .
19 Mary was regularly on the move , from one spectacular French château to another ; as well as the royal palaces , St Germain-en-Laye , Fontainebleau , Meudun and Blois , there was also Anet , magnificent home of Henri 's mistress , Diane de Poitiers .
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