Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] expect to be " in BNC.

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1 One of the initial purposes of the World Bank was to aid post-war reconstruction through the provision of finance , since private capital markets were not expected to be able to cope with the scale of the problem .
2 This broke the tradition whereby Presidential Addresses were not expected to be highly personal ; the convention was that the President reviewed the scientific developments in the past twelve months , usually appealed for more public support for research and education , and might indicate what avenues seemed most hopeful .
3 In other words , cash limits were not expected to be adjusted during the subsequent year to take account of inflation .
4 Some of the instruments on the telescope , especially those operating in ultra-violet light , were not expected to be seriously affected .
5 Greece , which sent 20 per cent of exports through Yugoslavia , would be compensated , while other EC countries were not expected to be heavily affected .
6 Although modern appliances such as the electric Hoover were functional and popular , housemaids were still expected to be downstairs between five and six a.m. to sweep the rooms and fireplaces , and polish grates and furniture .
7 On the other hand , foreign languages were clearly expected to be taught for communication in the first place .
8 The effects of the crisis were also expected to be eased by October debt write-offs by the Gulf Co-operation Council countries and the United States totalling $14,100 million [ see p. 37795 ] , and economic aid of $400,000,000 and $300,000,000 from Japan and Germany respectively [ see p. 37695 ; 37795 ] .
9 New loan agreements were also expected to be signed when the already protracted talks with the IMF were completed [ see also p. 37472 ] , leaving the way open for negotiations with the " Paris Club " of creditor countries .
10 The night raids with a few sporadic bangs and our own guns , and twice a silver Zeppelin picked out by a search light , seemed fun — because we all came downstairs and stayed up late and were n't expected to be bright at school next morning .
11 Whereas East Anglia might have become a second power base in the early 1470s , Gloucester 's Welsh lands were never expected to be more than peripheral .
12 Whereas East Anglia might have become a second power base in the early 1470s , Gloucester 's Welsh lands were never expected to be more than peripheral .
13 Chuter was widely expected to be offered the new position , and Spracklen believes that his offer to take it on unpaid was ‘ an embarrassment ’ to the ARA .
14 Nevertheless , although possessing a less extensive grant of power , the Commission was widely expected to be the dynamic element in further moves towards integration .
15 Gamsakhurdia 's term was to last only until direct presidential elections which the Supreme Soviet scheduled for May 26 , but he was widely expected to be returned to office .
16 In December he supported the formation of a new Moslem organization ( the Association of Moslem Intellectuals ) , which united a broad spectrum of Moslem interests and was widely expected to be the basis of support for his candidacy in 1993 [ see p. 37919 ] .
17 Also replaced in the ensuing Cabinet reshuffle was Petroleum Resources Minister Jibril Aminu , who was widely expected to be a candidate in the presidential elections scheduled for Dec. 5 .
18 An adult woman was normally expected to be a wife and mother .
19 Mr Upham , 45 , was at Labour 's campaign headquarters when police broke the news to him and was not expected to be at last night 's count .
20 In these schools , he implied , people would be falling over themselves to get jobs , and , in certain cases , they might be employed even if they had no formal teaching qualifications , though that was not expected to be the norm .
21 With few spares and no reserve aircraft , their service was not expected to be sustained .
22 We were also told that the fire was started in June , and was not expected to be extinguished until the start of the rains , normally in October .
23 A full set of privatization laws was not expected to be ready before October 1990 .
24 Progress on the Lesotho Highlands Water Project , expected to become an important additional source of income and employment , was not expected to be affected by the political crisis in February 1990 ; the military government confirmed its intention of proceeding with the scheme under which hydroelectricity was to be generated in Lesotho and water was to be diverted from a catchment area in Lesotho to South Africa 's industrial heartland in the Transvaal [ see pp. 31304 ; 34789 ; 35815 ] .
25 A bill formally legalizing the new parties was not expected to be enacted before April .
26 The token repayment of $60 million per month on the $40,000 million commercial debt was not expected to be increased .
27 Lawyers for the two sides were continuing negotiations late into the night and a settlement was not expected to be announced until today .
28 The British challenge was always expected to be spearheaded by McRae 's Subaru Legacy , but Wilson confounded the pundits by snatching fifth place overall — four seconds behind his domestic rival .
29 The government did not have to concern itself with the balance of payments ( which was always expected to be favourable or self-adjusting ) , free trade meant that there was no need for elaborate connections with industry , the level of employment had to be left to the supply and demand for labour , and all that the government should do was elementary regulation in the interests of those sections of the community unable to defend themselves .
30 The poet praises Beowulf by linking his killing of the monster Grendel with the feats of Sigmund , who was clearly expected to be familiar to an English audience .
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