Example sentences of "[was/were] [prep] an advanced [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Three of the riders , all men , were on an advanced motorcycle course — learning skills needed for high-speed pursuit , said a Kent police spokeswoman , who stressed that no other vehicle was involved .
2 Accountants Ernst & Young , which is handling the sale , said negotiations were at an advanced stage .
3 Plans were at an advanced stage when Hamnett , having vacillated for some time , phoned the BFC to say she had decided in favour of Paris after all .
4 Negotiations with the De Vere hotel group , which were at an advanced stage , have recently broken down and precipitated the receivership .
5 Firstly Burmin , the company exploring Croagh Patrick , were at an advanced stage of prospecting : the company had said it had found ‘ an extensive gold-bearing structure ’ and ‘ an economic deposit ’ .
6 She was in an advanced state of pregnancy and her first child was born on the spot by caesarean section .
7 That might have pleased me , but by then I was in an advanced state of fear-chill , feeling nothing much except numb .
8 The post-graduate course in restorative art was in an advanced state of preparation .
9 By 1920 the English Channel Tunnel Company 's scheme for a rail tunnel between Shakespeare Cliff and Sangatte was at an advanced stage of development and had attracted the support of MPs , businessmen and engineers who saw it as a major work of postwar reconstruction which would provide badly needed employment at a time of recession .
10 That situation lead to the proposed wealth tax being stillborn , although the machinery for collection was at an advanced stage , and offices had been constructed .
11 Jon Geldart , of the accountancy firm Coopers & Lybrand , which is advising the management team , said that the deal was at an advanced stage .
12 They were given intensive military training on Hainan island prior to going to Thailand in preparation for the invasion of Burma which was at an advanced planning stage .
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