Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [conj] i saw " in BNC.

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1 It took another week before my photographs were developed and I saw the result of my airborne activities .
2 The ideas which I had conceived of that noble university were realised when I saw it …
3 On the fifth day the covers were removed and I saw a tiny fish swimming on the surface .
4 Many years were to elapse before I saw it again .
5 Perhaps my problem is the way I perceived the first news of the crumbling of the old Europe ; sitting in hospital and festooned in drip feeds and stoned out of my mind on pethidine as I came round from an anaesthetic , I muzzily watched the news on the TV in the corner of my room and truly believed I was hallucinating as I saw kitchen choppers taking down the Berlin Wall ; after such a beginning to the thaw , how can I believe that as well as East Germany 's arrival in the West , Czechoslovakia is almost herself again .
6 I was passing when I saw the gates not shut properly , so I thought I 'd best come in and see if everything was all right at the house … ’
7 From outside it looked like a faded bell but within was a brilliant and sumptuous chamber of fiery gold adorned with most exquisite tapestry , and it moved me as much as I was moved when I saw the dome of the Blue Mosque at Isfahan , the most beautiful building I have ever seen .
8 It was not until I was at a conference at which Jean Darnall was speaking that I saw the need to ask others to pray for me .
9 I hardly remember what Mrs Girdlestone looked like , other than that she was plump and elderly , and gave an impression of being prepared for battle ; but I was touched when I saw the tea that had been laid out ready for me , imagining the two ladies conferring about the slices of bought ham , the thin bread-and-butter , and the bought cake .
10 So when this tour was advertised and I saw three days would be spent in London I just decided to go , that 's all .
11 She told me she made a point of taking a walk each day to get out of the way of all the old people , but I was reassured when I saw that she was well-known at the café and seemed to have several friends among its patrons .
12 Another musical diversion was prompted when I saw electricity pylons striding towards , and then alongside , the road , like evenly planted trees .
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