Example sentences of "[is] often [verb] as [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The fourth is that of definitions of legitimate knowledge : what is often taught as neutral and objective is in fact androcentric and sexist .
2 Elsewhere , as in Australia , ‘ the half-trained pianist is often accepted as sufficient for the task ’ .
3 Although he has lived in the UK since 1969 , Zarei was born in Iran and is often listed as Iranian , but he is officially a British athlete , and won an England vest when competing in the Milton Keynes 24-hour Championships in 1989 .
4 Although he is often characterized as retiring and eccentric , he entertained distinguished visitors in style , and studio staff were frequently welcomed to Old Place and treated with considerable generosity .
5 Cultural evolution is often characterized as Lamarckian in quality , in other words , dependent on the transmission of acquired characters , and relatively fast ; while genetic evolution is Darwinian , that is , dependent on changes in gene frequencies across generations , and slow .
6 Although that curriculum is often represented as diminishing teachers ' choices and initiatives , it is important for heads and their colleagues to note how matters of culture which have many facets can be handled alongside a national concern that schools should be more readily comparable with each other and should be readily accountable , not least in their pupils ' attainment levels .
7 Although theft is illegal it is often regarded as normal and acceptable practice when an individual ‘ borrows ’ materials from his or her place of work for personal use — such as stationery , or makes 'phone calls on an office telephone .
8 Both nationalized industries and local authorities publish a good deal of information on their various and diverse activities ( see chapters 8 and 10 ) In Type A nonprofit organizations the level of revenue raised is often regarded as indicative of the value that recipients place on an organization 's services .
9 Gedge is often regarded as candid , but he has designed a style of lyric-writing that effectively camouflages his true self .
10 However , it is often regarded as problematic whether or not animals have mental representations , or use symbolic systems or languages .
11 Such pressure is often regarded as improper and undermining editorial sovereignty and responsibility ; undermining , in other words , ‘ press freedom ’ .
12 It is often viewed as attractive because the base is that which individuals consume ( or their revenue from the economic system ) rather than a reflection of what they contribute , i.e. income .
13 What is to be understood as female is something vague ; indeed the Spirit is often designated as neuter .
14 However , the moral status of the victim is often portrayed as ambivalent in murder trials .
15 The role of pension funds in this outflow is often taken as indicative for , since the mid-1960s , pension funds have become the main channel for employees ' long-term savings and their overseas investment is sometimes seen as a ‘ diversion ’ of savings that could otherwise have been used to finance productive investment in British industry .
16 Thus aggression is often taken as synonymous with violence ; violent behaviour being taken as proof of the existence of an inner state called aggression .
17 SACRISTON entertainer Brenda Collins is often billed as Little Miss Dynamite for her role as singer-comediennne , a description which could also apply to her everyday life .
18 is often sold as dried seeds but is really more useful in powder form , when it is a vital ingredient in many curries .
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