Example sentences of "[is] not likely to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The average age of entry for the diploma course is between 18 and 20 , though some schools accept entrants as young as 17 , others students up to 30 : age between these limits is not likely to be a problem provided the candidate shows talent , flexibility and motivation .
2 There Engels more or less tells us that the scheme presented is not likely to be changed by new discoveries .
3 If he finds a job , it is not likely to be on Wall Street and he would have to hand a quarter of his earnings back to the Brooklyn centre .
4 Also , eating is not likely to be viewed as a cardinal sin .
5 This bad habit is not likely to be cured until the horse is ridden by someone with good hands who does not hurt the horse .
6 Events of the past week have shown it is not likely to be among the major companies that total collapses will occur .
7 Well , he is not likely to be mistaken .
8 The idea that a runner can win more by not trying too hard is not likely to be well received in the hard-bitten commercial world of sports retailing , but if the winter miles are currently very wearisome and every race is a struggle to gain a few seconds , you might try leaving your watch off at a race or two and see if the Zarei approach puts a bit of the enjoyment back into running .
9 This is because the drainage of the genital region in women is more often to groups of lymph glands in the pelvis , and their involvement is not likely to be obvious .
10 It must be a proper justification which shows that your time is not likely to be wasted on a low priority .
11 If a woman is tearful and apologetic and can claim some biological disturbance , then she is not likely to be treated as severely as a man .
12 There are enough horror stories of rape , murder and robbery in our own society to warrant the assumption that the burglar in our bedroom is not likely to be Raffles the gentleman crook .
13 If there is very high fever then Pulsatilla is not likely to be indicated .
14 The market research survey to find out what brand of toothpaste housewives prefer is not likely to be based on very much sociological theory .
15 A homogeneous group of , say , Challengers is not likely to be very successful .
16 This is not likely to be a significant item for the first five years or so , and we would of course have to give priority to selling our own unsold units first .
17 Nigel is the regular driver of No. 7 although he is not likely to be on the footplate this year as it is being rebuilt .
18 It is a sad fact that a number of adult dogs obtained from rescue organizations are returned because of this type of problem , which is not likely to be apparent when the dog is chosen .
19 But , as you will realise , the amount of money involved is not likely to be very large .
20 In that sense , their political attractiveness is not likely to be as great as that of present policies which emphasize training , selecting and matching , and which address themselves to the individual qualities and characteristics of the teachers themselves .
21 Nor are the prospects , even for Galway , as bad as they appear at the moment : workers reportedly wept openly in the Digital canteen when told their jobs were being phased out over the next 12 months , but the fear that most of the subcontractors that served DEC will have to close as well is not likely to be realised : where a company has a good relationship with a subcontractor , there are good reasons for maintaining that relationship even after a plant closes , and work should start flowing across the Irish Sea all the way to Galway from Scotland .
22 This is not likely to be the case for public relations , which is apt to become more specialised with increasing requirements for new entrants to have a high educational level , disciplined minds , and an ability to use advanced information technology .
23 This possibility is not likely to be challenged in workaday uses of language .
24 Free chlorine in small amount ( 0.1–0.2 p.p.m. ) , such as might come from water sterilization , is not likely to be troublesome , but , if in excess of this , it could be objectionable .
25 Individual work at their own pace from workbooks is not likely to be an effective means to achieve these goals .
26 A man or woman whose social or personal habits are unconventional or uncertain is not likely to be risked .
27 Whether or not any special rule survives for trespassing cattle is not likely to be of any importance now that damages for personal injuries can not be recovered under that head .
28 The problems arise because in practice no inhibitor is a ‘ magic bullet ’ with a single target and without so-called ‘ side-effects ’ , so an experimental finding using an inhibitor is not likely to be unambiguous .
29 If the latter is not likely to be a permanent feature , machinery for achieving some long-term pay agreements in the public sector becomes important for achieving efficient control ( Heald , 1983 ) .
30 One direction in which it may move is to replace some existing degree courses by two-year diplomas , though if this comes about it is not likely to be before the late 1980s .
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