Example sentences of "[is] not necessarily the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That is certain as people begin to understand that the valuation given to their property is not necessarily the actual property value .
2 ‘ The coach is not necessarily the better player …
3 The most probable effect of exposure to light is a change of colour , but this is not necessarily the only or even the most important effect .
4 In order to illustrate that a reductionist view of physics is not necessarily the only one available , it is necessary to juxtapose the above quote , with the following , from Dr G , a senior lecturer at Department A :
5 In addition , as Stiglitz points out , the managerial labour market is not necessarily the powerful constraining force many believe it to be ; biases exist there also .
6 But to handle them directly , that is , to open up the central issue that arouses the pain , sensationalism or the controversy is not necessarily the best way of protecting children into emotion .
7 There are certainly virtues in regularity , but the ‘ weekly session ’ procedure is not necessarily the best way to proceed .
8 Personally , apropos of Wedding presents I often think that the deepdye polyester is not necessarily the best buy for newly weds when you come to think about it .
9 'Given what we now know about food sensitivity , this is not necessarily the best advice .
10 The problem is most crucial in the case of the provision of financial services such as banking or securities trading ; Community law implementing the single market provides for home country control but from the point of view of the investor in the host member state this is not necessarily the best solution , at least if the home member state 's rules are more relaxed than those of the host member state .
11 It is not necessarily the best books that do that , or the most famous .
12 While this may not present a problem if the child 's difficulty is perceived as one of understanding syntax , it does emphasise the point that , although LARSP is very detailed , it is not necessarily the best assessment for every child .
13 But it does appear that asking people what things mean is not necessarily the best way of tapping their semantic knowledge .
14 King rightly points out that a scheme which is intended to weed out poor teachers is not necessarily the best to engender the trust and confidence required to develop the work of teachers .
15 This is not necessarily the best way of passing on the good news , but it does stir the passers-by to find not the paid priests but the cobbler , the miner , the man who sells meat fritters telling them about Jesus .
16 The idea of ‘ opponents ’ and the ‘ winner take-all ’ attitude inherent in it is not necessarily the best form of decision-making for social welfare cases .
17 It is not necessarily the best standard that could possibly be achieved for the child .
18 What the European movement needs to do , the labour movement in Europe , Labour and Socialist Parties in Europe is to monitor the Maastricht Treaty , because it is not necessarily the best thing since sliced bread , there are problems with it .
19 However , it is not necessarily the immediate reply which influences decision so much as the well-considered facts succinctly presented .
20 Success for capital is not necessarily the same as success for labour or for a local economy .
21 Nevertheless , common use is not necessarily the same as discriminate use , and considerable criticism is occasionally voiced Or indiscriminate use of external courses :
22 But an information gap is not necessarily the same as the operation of different schemata , which may be working at a deeper and less accessible level .
23 The method of arriving at cost by applying the latest purchase price to the total number of units in stock is unacceptable in principle because it is not necessarily the same as actual cost and in times of rising prices , will result in the taking of a profit which has not been realised .
24 Compulsive overworking ( workaholism ) or overachieving ( which is not necessarily the same thing at all ) are conditions that lead to much debate .
25 The magistrates had found that ‘ the appellants appeared wholly unaware of other persons in the vicinity , ’ and even if there was evidence that they ought to have known , that is not necessarily the same as actual awareness .
26 Note , however , that when a language uses a question word in an utterance , the intonation is not necessarily the same as that of a polar question .
27 However , it is important to remember that the optimal of level of arousal for performance on a task is not necessarily the same as the optimal level for memory of the task ( e.g. Hamilton , Hockey & Rejman , 1977 ) .
28 An important point to remember is that in the Keynesian model , the equilibrium level of income is not necessarily the same as the full employment level of income .
29 While possessing females is important to the young males , and is in some sense the whole point of the evolutionary process , it is not necessarily the basic motivating factor [ in intra-male fighting ] .
30 At least it shows that warmth is not necessarily the biological bonus that some commentators have chosen to suppose .
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