Example sentences of "[is] [adv] said to be " in BNC.

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1 She 's tonight said to be critical but stable .
2 What is thus left unstated forms the normal background or context of statements of legal validity and is thus said to be ‘ presupposed ’ by them .
3 The first constituent of the so-called ‘ toxic mix ’ is usually said to be lifers — prisoners serving sentences of life imprisonment .
4 The plan has been finalised by high-ranking officials of the Environment Protection Agency , although EPA Administrator William K. Reilly is still said to be " looking at the options " himself .
5 He had first mentioned the concept of ego ideal in his paper ‘ On Narcissism ’ ( 1914 ) , and the notion of ego ideal is later said to be identical with that of super-ego in The Ego and the Id ( 1923 ) .
6 But he is also said to be intensely loyal to the woman who stood by him during his 27 years of imprisonment .
7 Heritage Secretary Peter Brooke is also said to be planning a number of smaller cash payouts to keep punters ' attention .
8 Party chairman Sir Norman Fowler is also said to be considering renting out part of the building in Westminster .
9 Texan Steve Wyatt is also said to be sending along something .
10 I find her difficult to handle and my soundings are that she is deeply unpopular in Fleet St. She is also said to be extremely bitter about the way she has been treated and evidently stands to make millions from various lawsuits .
11 J is also said to be more powerful because it can list arrays .
12 The company is also said to be having difficulty moving a significant amount of lower-end Sparcstation series 10s out of the channel and into end-user sites .
13 Casting this imagery into the past , the tree is also said to be the place where ‘ our tribe and its customs began ’ .
14 It is also said to be the largest UK supplier of Unix and open systems training , and ICL says it is the first company to receive accreditation from Unix International Inc for its portfolio of Unix courses .
15 The company is also said to be cancelling personal computer-based projects and turning its resources elsewhere .
16 NEC is also said to be negotiating with various US relational database vendors to put their products up under NEC 's version of Unix System V.4 .
17 It is also said to be fleur-de-lis of French heraldry .
18 Glastonbury is also said to be the Isle of Avalon where Arthur sleeps .
19 If it is linked to only one entity it is involuted , and such a relationship is also said to be reflexive .
20 The government is also said to be under pressure to end the experiment from the motor industry and state oil company Petrobras , both of which find conventional petrol-powered cars more lucrative .
21 At Westbury on Severn the A-Forty-Eight is underwater and the A-Thirty eight Gloucester to Tewksbury road is also said to be treacherous .
22 It 's also said to be making Microsoft Mail interoperate with Unix E-Mail .
23 Already linked with top Italian clubs Roma and Juventus , Platt is now said to be booked for a £5.7 million summer move to Napoli .
24 Financial details were not revealed , but IBM is now said to be ‘ one of the two largest investors ’ in the privately held firm .
25 The Stedelijk 's Barnett Newman , worth DFl. 5.4 million just before it was vandalised in 1986 , is now said to be worthless .
26 Intuition is now said to be ‘ feminine ’ , and is opposed to logic ( which is thereby ‘ masculine ’ ) .
27 Since it joined in 1980 Japan has listed only four sites for protection and one of these , Lake Utonai on the northern island of Hokkaido , is now said to be threatened by secret plans to build a 40-kilometre flood control canal .
28 Mrs Lenihan , who suffers from dementia is now said to be comfortable in hospital in Oxford .
29 For council staff , already weary from last years round of cuts , moral is now said to be at an all time low .
30 England midfielder Platt , already linked with Roma and Juventus , is now said to be booked for a £5.7m summer move to Napoli .
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