Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [adj] [prep] making " in BNC.

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1 I would say , whatever is most effective in making people think about the implications of the expressions they use .
2 The Threarah 's rather good at making himself unpleasant when he 's been woken up at ni-Frith for what he considers a piece of trivial nonsense .
3 The young MFI salesman who is only concerned in making sure the commission on your purchase accrues to him , not his colleague , has forgotten why he is there in the first place .
4 As I said at the top of the article , making movies — in AWI 's parlance — is so similar to making a cartoon using traditional methods that it could well be used as a training ground for animators in the traditional industry , but with a much shorter wait before the results can be seen .
5 The Profitboss is totally objective in making people decisions in business .
6 Perhaps I should have done it before , but I suppose one 's always afraid of making a fool of oneself . ’
7 ( b ) the offeror is also responsible for making the announcement if a requirement to make a mandatory offer is triggered ;
8 Rex is as capable of making an honest mistake as he is of lying .
9 The two other big diversified computer companies are Unisys Corp at $8,400m or so , and NCR Corp at $7,100m — only the same size as Apple Computer Inc , a pure personal computer play with few designs on the data centre — and if AT&T Co is really serious about making it big in the computer industry , it will soon have to start thinking of buying NCR a present — and Unisys begins to look tempting now that James Unruh has finally got the company onto an even keel and Unisys ' own mainframe millstones under control .
10 I think that a belief that periods are ‘ good ’ and an indicator or product of health and wellbeing is really vital to making a full recovery from any eating disorder which causes your periods to stop , or become irregular .
11 The new mother is often terrified of making a mistake but she does not really know what is the best thing to do .
12 This is particularly useful for making sure that the positioning of single motifs , large electronic or intarsia designs and so on is not affected by the armhole or neck shapings .
13 Cholesterol is a natural substance in the blood and is mostly made from the fat in the food we eat , though the body itself is quite capable of making an adequate supply .
14 I think education committee is quite capable of making those kinds of decisions , and members , erm , that er , are representing rural areas are allowed to come along to education committee , and I think that 's perhaps the better way to , to go along those lines .
15 Yet , when competing interests are at stake it is quite capable of making pragmatic choices .
16 ‘ Everybody here is very committed to making the company survive the recession .
17 Here you can do much to protect her interests at a time when she is very vulnerable by making sure that they are first valued by an expert before being advertised , for widows are often ‘ conned ’ into selling their husband 's valuable possessions very cheaply to unscrupulous people , simply because they are feeling too low in spirits to resist any offer to have them removed speedily and without fuss .
18 The man is very good at making widgets , he makes widgets , but he does n't tell his bank that he 's doing well .
19 Every thirteen years the eye needs double the amount of light to see so good lighting is very important in making the most of sight .
20 He now says that he does love his girlfriend , he does want to make that relationship work , and he 's very hopeful of making a reconciliation .
21 ‘ You see , he 's very interested in making distinctions , ’ Emily said .
22 He 's currently halfway through making the next series of BBC1 's hit comedy , Bread .
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