Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [prep] clear [that] " in BNC.

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1 If the foreign and defence policy-makers may be accused of insufficient attention to the economic aspects of their policies , it is far from clear that the economic arguments were pressed in a manner most likely to bring about a re-assessment of overseas commitments .
2 It is far from clear that the necessary Listed Building Consent for demolition would have been forthcoming from the local authority .
3 Though there is clearly a potential conflict of interest , it is far from clear that the law against insider trading would be broken by a firm that took advantage of it .
4 The code word for locking Germany into the alliance with France is , of course , ‘ Europe ’ , although it is far from clear that using the methods of the 1950s , strengthening the legal structure of the EC , can continue to serve their purpose , since the legal structure itself would inevitably be more and more influenced by Germany .
5 Those who hoped , then , for a genuinely unitary system of examining may be disappointed ( though it is far from clear that their hopes were ever realistic ) .
6 Moreover , it is far from clear that the LDDC has managed to obtain anything like the best financial deals in its negotiations with developers : land appears to have been sold at substantially less than might have been achieved , and as the freeholder the LDDC has retained little control of , nor gained any benefit from , subsequent development .
7 It is certainly true that employment opportunities for older men have declined sharply over the last eighty years , but it is far from clear that this has been solely due to a contraction of demand for them .
8 It is far from clear that this essential step is always taken .
9 It is far from clear that the hope of the russian Academy of Sciences that industrial contracts can keep the rump of its establishments in being can be realized ; experience in other countries in not encouraging .
10 Even in pre-telegraph days , when instructions could be sent no faster than a horse could trot or a ship sail , it is far from clear that this meant greater independence for diplomats .
11 However , it is far from clear that term ‘ registered auditors ’ was fully understood by either the supports or detractors of the proposal .
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