Example sentences of "[is] [adv] difficult [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Clearly this is most difficult to achieve when people 's objectives are in conflict , but even then , with skill , a win-win can be secured .
2 it is rather difficult to know whether this is support for Krashen 's proposal or not , but it certainly implies the separation of the process of meaning construction from the determination of final output form .
3 Yet the book is rather difficult to read and the general reader may become discouraged after picking it up , despite the attraction of the illustrations and lay-out .
4 Many writers have said that English word stress is so difficult to predict that it is best to treat stress placement as a property of the individual word , to be learned when the word itself is learned .
5 There is a steady shuffle of people leaving once the film has started as they find it is so difficult to follow that the experience is frustrating .
6 But the language is so difficult to learn that there are times when I feel completely stupid and understand hearing people 's difficulty in learning sign language .
7 The criterion of land under cultivation is crude , and resists refinement : it is exceedingly difficult to say whether in a particular country in a particular decade or generation the rate of growth was steady ; in some places at some times there may well have been local and temporary declines .
8 Evidence on this subject is extremely difficult to gather and interpret .
9 This being said , it is extremely difficult to assess whether net environmental quality is being maintained or improved , since it is difficult to know what value future generations will place on the environments that will be damaged under MPG6 in order to feed development demands .
10 This being said , it is extremely difficult to assess whether net environmental quality is being maintained or improved , since it is difficult to know what value future generations will place on the environments that will be damaged under MPG6 in order to feed development demands .
11 2.30:LEADING American hurdler Lonesome Glory is extremely difficult to assess but he is unlikely to appreciate these testing conditions .
12 The development value of St. Andrews square bus station is extremely difficult to assess because in the last year alone commercial property values in the centre of Edinburgh have literally doubled .
13 The academic course is extremely difficult to characterise because of the multiplicity of higher education courses taken by future language teachers ; and it is becoming more so , as the predominance of the ‘ traditional ’ literature course is weakened .
14 It is extremely difficult to tame and its shyness , combined with its great ferocity when cornered , suggests that it would have been troublesome for early man to domesticate .
15 It is extremely difficult to believe that this cult did not have political overtones .
16 Of course , as others have remarked ( e.g. Palmer , 1984 ) , it is extremely difficult to prove that there is no gene flow between enclaves .
17 But in practice , the growth rate in earnings is extremely difficult to determine and has to be forecast .
18 This exclusion of higher education from consideration by sociologists of education must in part be due to the fact that higher education is not compulsory ; it is perhaps difficult to argue that something which is a matter of choice can in any sense be repressive .
19 While none of these may suffer from ‘ absolute deprivation ’ ( a term that is anyway difficult to define unless it is meant to refer to circumstances in which people literally have no food , shelter and clothing ) , clearly many are unlikely to be enjoying an ‘ average ’ or ‘ normal ’ standard of living .
20 Much of the above advice is based on the ‘ best available ’ knowledge principle and is thus difficult to give and actual authority for , however , we do make every effort to remain as up-to-date as possible .
21 It is not difficult to see that a smallholding can not support a large mortgage as well as a family !
22 It is not difficult to see that the … power and extent of the growth of the productive forces , have reached their highest point in precisely the United States .
23 It was the smart thing to do down Hollywood , but it is not difficult to see that the venom and enjoyment that went into those attacks of the 1920s tell us more about the social values of elites and in particular of intellectuals than they do about movies as such .
24 On closer inspection , however , it is not difficult to see that this is a rather mild counter-movement , one of those smaller eddies that spring up again and again from the many-layered structure of historical change within every stage of more comprehensive processes .
25 Now it is not difficult to see that ( a , b ) = b , r1 ) ( exercise 13 ) and that similarly
26 It is not difficult to see that in understanding such an exchange we make a great number of detailed ( pragmatic ) inferences about the nature of the context in which ( 32 ) can be assumed to be taking place .
27 Careful induction is not difficult to plan but produces some clear benefits .
28 It is not difficult to show that ( other things being equal ) the more evenly the gas is distributed between the two containers , the greater the entropy ; so the state with the gas more evenly distributed between the two cylinders is the one that occurred later .
29 It is not difficult to show that even an apparently high level of detail in a criterion does not specify the test items unequivocally .
30 Arguing along these lines it is not difficult to show that cars is the semantic head of extremely fast cars ; to resolve the clash in ?
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