Example sentences of "[vb infin] round [conj] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 as I say if you could erm if you could some time soon drop a note off in my tray about , you know , kind of what exactly you 've got outstanding so I can go round and see the erm see the people concerned and , and say that you 've been
2 She probably , she will come round and do the day .
3 Cos I was , I said to the youngsters yesterday , I says I 'll tell you what we 'll do , we 'll just take your trainers tomorrow , or we 'll go down the town and put your competition paintings in and then we 'll come round and get the bus up home , and then I thought ah the hell with it we 'll go on down to York Street
4 but you do n't suddenly turn round and go the other way do you ?
5 ‘ Why here we are all mustarded ’ , as the roast beef said to the Welsh rabbit ’ ; ‘ ‘ Off with a whisk ’ , as the butcher said to the flies ’ ; ‘ ‘ When a man is ashamed to show the front of his face let him turn round and show the back of it ’ , as the turnstile said to the weather-cock . ’
6 I 'll give you a room to work in , I 'll turn round and walk the other way whenever I see you , and I 'll stay out of the kitchen whenever you want to use it .
7 Then , pretending for a moment that he was back there , he would turn round and face the back of his cage , open his wings , and glide down the few feet to where his food lay on the ground , pretending that it was prey and that the few feet was hundreds of feet , and that he could feel strong winds on his wings and was an adult eagle , and free , free to fly where he liked .
8 If you 'd like to turn round , turn round and address the attentive multitude .
9 All he could remember was that TOWs were shipped at some point ; that ‘ the price asked for the military was twelve million two ’ ; that the aircraft could turn round and abort the delivery if the hostages were not released , which he thought was ‘ a most unusual thing ’ ; and that it was definitely not ‘ the Khomeini ’ with whom he had been doing business .
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