Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] [prep] [art] corner " in BNC.

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1 I would have loved to touch them to see what they felt like but I could see out of the corner of my eye that I was being watched .
2 When Chola was kneading the dough for ro is , tired after a day 's work in the fields , exasperated by the twins ' hungry grizzling , the chickens flapping around the bowl and the dogs ' beady eyes , she 'd lash out , screaming , and the red bitch would yelp exaggeratedly and skulk off to a corner .
3 Now , just a shabby backwater in Belsize Park , but a nice , quiet area where a woman alone might walk down to the corner shop at midnight in safety and people minded their own business .
4 I 'd walk up to the corner of Mill Street — a very scruffy street , and there was a gang of fellers standing on the corner and some of them were sitting on the pub sill and others standing around .
5 Let him go back to the corner thinking , ‘ I 'm working with the boss . ’ ’
6 They 'd hit right on the corner of the stable and er me dad went to go out .
7 Ronald Koeman converted that penalty , then another gloriously won by Julio Salinas when , tiring of the professional duty to let seconds tick away near the corner flag , he burst clear of his attendant , evaded one challenge along the byline , and fell under a second .
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