Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] [adj] [noun] ago " in BNC.

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1 How could we have guessed 10 years ago that there would be a video shop on every street corner ?
2 But they 're so long winded erm you know , you you might sort of you might win at the end of the day , but the blues party will have stopped six months ago .
3 Boscastle is a truly delightful place , which looks very much the same as it must have done 600 years ago with its narrow winding streets and pretty 14th-century cottages .
4 You should have done this ages ago .
5 As Punch would have said many years ago , ‘ collapse of Stout Party ’ .
6 This saves a large amount of energy so a Sainsbury 's supermarket today uses only 60% a similar store would have used ten years ago .
7 Gerber , South Africa 's record try-scorer with 19 , has touched down four times in as many internationals and his centre partnership with Pieter Muller poses a more difficult challenge to Carling and Jeremy Guscott than they may have envisaged three months ago .
8 ‘ Ah , but I should have acted six years ago , I should have taken you then when you were vulnerable in your confusion — as I supposed — involved with a recently married man , presumably for the first time , and not knowing what it was you felt for me because you were so sure Jones was all you wanted .
9 The social workers commented that in this very ‘ stuck ’ situation something had to give to get any movement ; it was necessary to encourage the daughter to take the independence she should have had many years ago .
10 His opening remark was , ‘ Who 'd have thought six months ago that Nelson Mandela would now be free and that the Berlin Wall would have come down ? ’
11 Many others , however , will have retired some time ago , and will not have sufficient resources .
12 ‘ I prayed that I would see you again , ’ he said , ‘ so I could ask the question I should have asked five years ago .
13 Surrounded by apple orchards and huge cedar forests , the older parts of the town looked like parts of the Alps must have appeared sixty years ago .
14 ‘ We should have gone metric years ago . ’
15 Obviously we can not know the outcome of a new project , so let's consider how we might have proceeded 31 years ago .
16 ‘ I ca n't recall it ever happening in any association affiliated to the IBA before , although it may have happened some time ago , ’ added the former Irish international player .
17 ‘ I ca n't recall it ever happening in any association affiliated to the IBA before , although it may have happened some time ago , ’ added the former Irish international player .
18 What would Wales have achieved 20 years ago if they had had endless squad sessions , trips to Lanzarote , 2–3 days a week off to train , personal fitness plans , etc. ?
19 And I often think to myself , when I 'm paying for something , think to myself , oh I would never have paid that years ago .
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