Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] try [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A lot of the members told me I was very good — I could pull clubs well and read greens — and I should try going to the Bing Crosby to work for a pro in the tournament .
2 Tablets control epilepsy very , very well now and you can go for probably years without an epileptic fit , then all of a sudden erm somebody will think oh I 'll try leaving off my medication and of course they have a fit .
3 Maybe I could try going in goal .
4 CATHERINE I could try talking to him , if you like .
5 You should try looking after my class of twelve-year-old juvenile delinquents ! ’
6 And I said , ‘ No , I 'm not Jeremy Pascal ’ , so he said , ‘ You should try going on the radio , you sound just like him . ’
7 You should try working on E6 at 3.00am — its bizarre !
8 You could try writing to a ramp builder , like Rare Unit or Freestyle Ramps for example .
9 So if you know that just by opening the door you 're bound to end up with a space-age vacuum cleaner , 50 encyclopaedias , a new patio or a tarmac-covered drive , you could try hiding in the broom cupboard until he 's gone .
10 If you are feeling particularly adventurous you can try approaching on port tack , gambling on being able to find a gap to tack into .
11 Instead of looking for one thing to satisfy our needs we might try looking for combinations .
12 Shall we try I tell you what we could try now we could try connecting with somebody else .
13 We could try going across the fields , ’ said Dorcas .
14 Peter and Jean Revers were so excited by the project they decided they would try living in America for a while as the new venture would clearly need a business manager .
15 as if in imitation of the dead bird , he would squawk out the name he loved to hear ; he would try walking like a parrot , perching on things , and extending his arms as if he had wings to beat .
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